Paragrah: A Book Fair || PDF Download

A book fair is an attractive fair where books are displayed and sold to the common people. It is a very popular fair. Many book fairs are held in different places every year. It is usually held in the winter season on an open place in most of the major cities of the country. It is organized by various institutions on various occasions, namely, Martyrs Day, Victory Day, Independence Day etc. The Ekushe Boi Mela is the main book fair in our country. The Bangla Academy organizes this month long book fair on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day on its compound. Hundreds of publishers participate in it. Different types of books are sold here at a cheap rate. Books of drama, fiction, story, novel etc are sold available here. A large number of children, male and female customers gather in a book fair. A book fair becomes crowded specially in the evening. One can buy books according to one's choice from the book fair. Sometimes the renowned artists, poets and intellectuals gather there and take part in the seminars and cultural programmes. However, a book fair is a source of knowledge and pleasure. It is an important part of education. It helps to broaden our kingdom of knowledge. A book fair forms the habit of reading, buying and taking cares of books. It creates a sense of interest for books amongst the general mass. Every student and every educated person should visit the book fair every year.

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