Right Form of Verbs Exercise for Class Six || PDF Download

Complete the following text with suitable verbs with their right form:

1.     A teacher (a) _____ (be) an architect of a nation. He (b) ____ (play) an important role in (c) _____ (build) up an (d) _____ (educate) nation. He (e) _____ (remove) the darkness of ignorance from the lot of a nation. He is an actor while (f) _____ (speak). He (g) ____ (be) able to (h) _____ (hold) the attention of his students. He not (i) _____ (sit) motionless before his class. He also (j) _____ (make) his lessons interesting.

(a) is (b) plays (c) building (d) educated (e) removes (f) speaking (g) is (h) hold (i) does not sit (j) makes

2.     Laughter (a) _____ (be) indicative of joy. A man who laughs (b) _____ (radiate) happiness and (c) ____ (win) friends. One who (d) ____(be) incapable (e) _____ (miss) the zest of life. Laughter can (f) _____  (be) the best tonic. A man who cannot laugh (g) _____ (fail) to attract friends. (h) _____ (lose) his health, he (i) _____ (grow) pessimistic and (j) _____ (deprive) himself of any pleasure in life.

(a) is (b) radiates (c) wins (d) is (e) misses (f) be (g) fails (h) losing (i) grows (j) deprives

3.     The main pursuit of students (a) _____ (be) study and the acquisition of qualities that will (b) ____ (make) them (c) _____ (prepare) for the life (d) _____ (lie) ahead. But when the country (e) _____ (obliterate) with a natural calamity like flood, famine or epidemic, they should (f) _____ (come) forward and (g) ____ (stand) by the (h) _____ (suffer) humanity. Even in normal times they (i) _____ (engage) in many acts of social service with a view to (j) _____ (serve) their fellow men.

(a) is (b) make (c) prepare (d) lying (e) is obliterated (f) come ((g) stand (h) suffering (i) can engage (j) serving

4.     The Olympic Games were (a) _____ (name) after the town of Olympia in Greece. It (b) _____ (be) in Olympia that the games were (c) _____ (hold) long before the Christian era (d) ____ (begin). In those days Greece was (e) _____ (divide) into many cities and men of different cities used to (f) _____ (fight) one another most of the time . A man (g) ____ (name) Iphitos (h) _____ (become) concerned about such wasteful strifes. He (i) _____ (hit) upon a plan. His plan (j) _____ (work) well to stop such strife.

(a) named (b) was (c) held (d) begins (e) divided (f) fight (g) named (h) became (i) hit (j) worked

5.     Rumour (a) _____ (be) some information that (b) ____ (spread) by being (c) _____ (talk) about but may not (d) ____ (be) true. For instance, we (e) _____ (hear) that South Korea was (f) _____ (go) to be (g) _____ (merge) with North Korea. Actually that not (h) _____ (happen). Rumour (i) _____ (play) a very important role in (j) _____ (form) public opinion even on a very important matter.

(a) is (b) is spread (c) talked (d) be (e) heard (f) going (g) merged (h) did not happen (i) plays (j) forming

6.     Studies (a) _____ (be) part and parcel of human lives. But the reader should (b) _____ (know) what short of books why and how he (c) _____ (read). We should read the books for our own sake. To attain worldly success, we should (d) _____ (combine) study and experience. The wise (e) _____ (put) their studies to practical utility. We not (f) _____ (read) books merely to be able to (g) _____ (contradict) with others or to gain material prosperity. We all should read books with a view to (h) _____ (ponder) over what we read and (i) _____ (judge) the value what the book (j) _____ (contain)

(a) are (b) know (c) should read (d) combine (e) put (f) should not (g) contradict (h) pondering (i)  judge (j) contains

7.     What (a) _____ (be) the first and foremost need for our prosperity- education, money or wealth? Some people (b) _____ (say) that money (c) ____ (be) the means whereby everything can be (d) _____ (gain). But I shall (e) _____ (tell) you that education (f) ____ (be) the best of all. Proper education (g) _____ (make) the way to (h) _____(earn) both money and wealth. By (i) _____ (be) a good student you (j) _____ (have) all the three.

(a) is (b) say (c) is (d) gained (e) tell (f) is (g) makes (h) earn (i) being (j) may have

8.     The 8th March (a) _____ (observe) as the International Women’s Day all over the world. This day (b) _____ (be) a great occasion to (c) _____ (protest) against all kinds of injustice, inequality and oppression towards women. It’s a day when women (d) ____ (recognize) and celebrated for (e) _____ (play) various roles in different spheres of life. This day (f) _____ (proclaim) the rights and dignities of women. Every year almost every nation of the world (g) _____ (express) solidarity and support to (h) _____ (ensure) women’s right and dignity. On this day different nations (i) _____ (take) initiatives to (j) _____ (improve) their women’s right position in their society.

(a) is observed (b) is (c) protest (d) are recognized (e) playing (f) proclaims (g) expresses (h) ensure (i) take (j) improve

9.     Robert Bruce (a) _____ (be) a famous king. His kingdom was (b) _____ (invade) by his enemies. He (c) _____ (fight) courageously but lost many battles. In order to (d) _____ (save) his life he (e) _____ (flee) away from his kingdom and took shelter in a remote cave. The king was always in a pensive mood for his unhappy condition. Once he was (f) _____ (lie) in the cave, suddenly he saw a spider (g) _____ (try) hard to reach the ceiling of the cave. The spider (h) _____ (fail) again and again to attain success. But it not (i) _____ (lose) heart. Bruce saw the spider climbing to the ceiling after many unsuccessful attempts. This dauntless spider (j) _____ (inspire) Robert Bruce to foil despair.

(a) was (b) invaded (c) fought (d) save (e) fled (f) lying (g) trying (h) failed (i) did not lose (j) inspired

10. A railway porter is a person who (a) _____ (carry) goods in a railway station, A railway porter is quite a known figure in the railway station. He (b) _____ (wear) on his arm a brass plate (c) ____ (give) to him by the railway authority. The brass plate (d) _____ (bear) his number. He (e) ____ (carry) luggage. He (f) _____ (load) and unloads the goods train. A railway porter is very clever. He can easily (g) _____ (exploit) the passengers. When a passenger (h) _____ (fall) into trouble and (i) _____ (become) helpless for his heavy luggage, a porter (j) _____ (demand) a higher charge.

(a) caries (b) wears (c) given (d) bears (e) carries (f) loads (g) exploit (h) falls (i) becomes (j) demands

11. A teacher (a) _____ (be) an architect of a nation. He (b) _____ (play) important role in (c) ____ (build) up an educated nation. He (d) _____ (dispel) the darkness of ignorance from the lot of a nation. He is an actor, so to speak. He (e) _____ (have) to suit his act according to the need of his audience which is his class. He (f) _____ (make) lessons interesting to the students. A good teacher (g) _____ (discover) the treasure hidden inside each student. He also (h) _____ (want) the students happy and for this he (i) ____ (keep) them busy. A good teacher never (j) _____ (hanker) after money.

(a) is (b) plays (c) building (d) dispels (e) has (f) makes (g) discovers (h) wants (i) keeps (j) hankers

12. In a book fair a lot of pavilions (a) _____ (set) up. All sorts of books- fictions, text books, dramas, children books, reference books etc. (b) _____ (display). A book fair (c) _____ (become) crowdy especially in the evening. Both male and female customers (d) _____ (gather) in a book fair. The writers also (e) _____ (visit) the fair regularly. Seminars and cultural programmes (f) _____ (hold) also. A book fair (g) _____ (remind) us that books (h) ____ (be) are our best companions. They are always at our side when we are in danger. They (i) ____ (change) our outlook on life and (h) _____ (widen) our domain of knowledge.

(a) are set (b) are displayed (c) becomes j(d) gather (e) visit (f) are held (g) reminds (h) are (i) change (j) widen

13. My friend Sabbir  (a) _____ (serve) in Rajshahi. He (b) _____(invite) me to pay a visit to Rajshahi. I (c) _____ (accept) the invitation gladly. On the 5th September I  (d) ____ (get) upon Dhaka-Rajashahi coach at Gabtali bus stand. I (e) _____ (procure) a ticket the day before. Luckily I (f) _____ (have) my seat by the window. It (g) ____ (be) a sunny morning. The bus started (h) _____ (run) at a good speed and soon we were far from the din and bustle of the city. Our bus (i) _____ (pass) the road. We (j) _____ (enjoy) beautiful green fields, orchards and trees on the both side of the highway.

(a) serves (b) invited (c) accepted (d) got (e) procured (f) had (g) was (h) running (i) was passing (j) enjoyed

14. We (a) _____ (live) in an age of science. We (b) ____ (see) the wonders of science around us. Science (c) _____ (make) our life easy and comfortable. We not (d) _____ (think) of our modern life without science. Science (e) _____ (link) up the distant part of the world. Telephone, telex, fax, wireless, telegram (f) _____ (be) great wonders. They (g) _____ (bring) the world closer to us. We can (h) _____ (send) news from one corner to other within a moment. They (i) _____ (conquer) space. Man (j) _____ (land) on the moon successfully.

Answer: (a) live (b) see (c) has made (d) cannot think (e) has linked (f) are (g) have brought (h) send (i) have conquered (j) has landed

15. Newspaper (a) _____ (play) a vital role in modern civilization. It (b) _____(publish)  important news and views of home and abroad. A student must (c) _____ (have) the habit of reading the newspaper every day. Mere bookish knowledge (d) _____ (be) not sufficient in this competitive world. A newspaper (e) _____ (help) him (f) ____ (enrich) his general knowledge and (g) _____ (make) him aware of the burning issues of both inside and outside the country. A man who not (h) _____  (read) newspaper (i) ____ (be) like a frog in a narrow well. Being ignorant of the current affairs, he not (j) _____ (take) part in the talks and discussions in an enlightened society and thus he feels like a fish out of water.

(a)  Plays (b) publishes (c) have  (d) is (e) helps (f) enrich (g) makes (h) does not read (i) is (j) cannot take

16. There (a) _____ (live) two close friends in a village. They (b) _____ (be) very fond of (c) ____ (travel). One day they (d) _____ (go) to a forest to see the natural beauty. They (e) _____ (walk) along the path of the forest. They were so spell bound by the excitement of the forest that they even did not notice that they (f) _____ (enter) into the deep forest. After that, they (g) _____ (notice) that they (h) _____ (lose) their way. They (i) _____ (know) it very well that the forest (j) ____ (be) the abode of various wild animals.

(a) lived (b) were (c) travelling (d) went (e) were walking (f) had entered (g) noticed (h) had lost (i) knew (j) was

17. One day a lion (a) _____ (sleep) in its cave. A mouse (b) _____ (play) nearby. While (c) _____ (play) it by chance it (d) _____ (run) over the lion’s body. At this, the lion (e) _____(wake) up and became very angry. With a terrible roar he (f) _____ (catch) the mouse and said, “You tiny creature, how dare your (g) ____ (tease) me? I (h) _____  (kill) you.” The mouse (i) _____ (begin)  to tremble in fear and (j) _____ (beg) for its life.

(a) was sleeping (b) was playing (c) playing (d) ran (e) woke (f) caught (g) tease (h) will kill (i) began (j) begged

18. The Pied Piper (a) _____ (go) to the street and (b) _____ (take) out a pipe from his pocket. Then he (c) _____ (begin) to play the pipe. Soon the rats from every house of Hamelin came out (d) _____   (tumble). There (e) _____ (be) hundreds or thousands of them. The man went on (f) _____ (play) his pipe. He (g) _____ (move) along the streets and the rats (h) _____ (follow) him. He went down to the bank of the river Waser and (i) ____ (wade) into the river. And every rat that followed him (j) _____ (drown) in the river.

(a) went (b) took (c) began (d) tumbling (e) were (f) playing (g) moved (h) followed (i) waded (j) drowned

19. Once upon a time there (a) _____ (be)  a king who was very fond of (b) _____ (know) his future from the astrologers. A famous astrologer happened to (c) _____ (stop) at his capital on his way to Benares. The king (d) _____ (call) on him to know about his future and the astrologer (e) _____ (tell) him something unpleasant. At this the king (f) _____ (get) furious and condemned him to death (g) ____ (say), “Men like you should not (h) ____ (live) to spoil the peace of the world.” But another thought (i) _____ (cross) his mind before the astrologer (j) _____ (move) for execution.

 (a) was (b) knowing (c) stop (d) called (e) told (f) got (g) saying (h) live (i) had crossed (j) was moved

20. Neela (a) _____ (live) in Dhaka. Her school (b) _____ (close) on the occasion of summer vacation. Monotonous classes and want of recreation (c) _____ (make) her life very dull. She does not (d) ____ (find) any scope to make the best use of the vacation. One day her father (e) _____ (tell) her that they (f) _____ (go) to Cox’s Bazar. As soon as she (g) _____ (hear) it from her father, she is beside herself with joy. He (h) ____ (tell) her that they (i) _____ (start) their journey tomorrow early in the morning. Neela (j) _____ (look) very happy and excited.

(a) lives (b) is closed (c) have made (d) find (e) tells (f) will go (g) hears (h) tells (i) will start (j) looks

21. One day a farmer (a) _____  (take) some sacks of wheat to a mill. The mill (b) _____ (be) a few kilometres away. On the way the horse (c) ____ (stumble) and one of the sacks (d) _____ (fall) to the ground. It was too heavy for the farmer to lift and there was nobody around to help him. He was at a loss. Meanwhile he (e) _____ (see) a horseman (f) ____ (come) towards him. His heart (g) _____ (jump). As the rider (h) _____ (come) nearer, the farmer (i) _____(recognize) him. It was no other than the nobleman who (j) _____ (live) in a great house at the top of the hill.

(a) was taking (b) was (c) stumbled (d) fell (e) saw (f) coming (g) jumped (h) was coming (i) recognized (j) lived

22. Last Sunday I (a) _____ (go) to bed at 9:00 pm and (b) _____ (sleep) a sound sleep. Suddenly I (c) _____ (wake) up at about 1:00 am when I (d) ____ (hear) a hue and cry at a little distance. I got up from bed and (e) _____ (run) to the spot. I (f) ____ (see) that a cottage (g) _____(burn). People (h) _____(rush)  towards it. The old woman and the poor little girl who (i) _____ (live) in it could not come out. They (j) _____ (cry) for help inside the cottage.

(a) went (b) slept (c) woke (d) heard (e) ran (f) saw (g) was burning (h) were rushing (i) lived (j) were crying

23. My father (a) _____ (take) me to the headmaster’s room. The headmaster (b) _____ (ask) me my name and I (c) ____ (tell) him. Then he (d) _____ (point) to a letter chart and asked me to say some letters. I (e) _____ (say) them all. My mother (f) _____ (teach) me to read Bengali and English letters and some easy words at home. The headmaster (g) ____ (please). He (h) _____ (put) his hand on my shoulder and said, “You (i) _____ (do) very well. You know a lot. I hope you (j) _____ (feel) happy in our school.

(a) took (b) asked (c) tell (d) pointed (e) could say (f) taught (g) was pleased (h) put (i) did (j) will feel

24. Once upon a time there (a) _____ (live) a very clever fox. He lived in a jungle in a very hot country just like Bangladesh. One day, when Mr. Fox (b) _____(walk) through the jungle, he (c) _____ (feel) into a trap. He (d) _____(land)  on his tail. When he (e) _____ (get) out of the trap, he left his tail behind. Without his tail Mr. Fox (f) _____ (look) very strange and he (g) _____ (feel) very sad and ashamed. “What am I (h) ____ (go) to do?” he cried. He thought and he thought. Then Mr. Fox (i) _____ (have) a good idea, so he (j) ____ (make) a plan.

(a) lived (b) was walking (c) feel (d) landed (e) got (f) looked (g) felt (h) going (i) had (j) made

25. When Mina and I were in Class 2, something very funny (a) _____ (happen). I can (b) _____ (remember) it quite well. It happened when I (c) _____ (visit) Mina at her home in Sonapur. Mina’s parents (d) _____ (have) a large orchard with a lot of guava trees. The fruit (e) _____ (be) green and hard, but we (f) (eat) some. I (g) _____ (eat) a guava when I (h) _____ (see) something strange. “Look, Mina,” I said, “There’s blood on my guava!” “Where it (i) ____ (come) from?” she asked. We both (j) _____ (feel) very worried.

(a) happened (b) remember (c) visited (d) had (e) was (f) ate (g) was eating (h) saw (i) did it come (j) felt

26. Masuda Mahmud (a) _____ (come) from a village near Rangpur. At school she (b) _____ (be) an excellent student and (c) _____ (do) very well in her SSC examination. Then she (d) _____ (study) at the Nurse’s Training Centre in Rangpur, because she (e) _____ (want)  to become a nurse. When she was twenty years old, Masuda (f) _____ (go) to Dhaka to study for her BSc in nursing at the Medical College Hospital. Now Masuda (g) _____ (work) very hard in the Sonapur Health Complex. She (h) ____ (come) to Sonapur five years after she (h) _____ (return) to her village and (j) ____ (get) married.

(a) comes (b) was (c) did (d) studied (e) wanted (f) went (g) works (h) came (i) returned (j) got

27. Once I (a) _____ (come)  to Dhaka from Khulna by launch. It (b) _____ (take) two days to reach Dhaka by launch. The weather was fine and the sky was clear. There was no cloud. The river was calm. The launch (c) _____ (move) smoothly. We all the passengers (d) _____ (be) in a jolly mood. The journey was pleasant. We (e) _____ (enjoy) the beautiful natural scenery on the other side of the river. The rays of the setting sun (f) _____ (fall) on the river and the water (g) _____ (look) like pearls. There (h) ____ (be) small waves on the river. Every wave that (i) ____ (dash) against our launch increased our thrill and joy. Suddenly after the sun set the weather (j) _____ (turn) foul.

(a) was coming (b) takes (c) was moving (d) were (e) were enjoying (f) fell (g) looked (h) were (i) dashed (j) turned

28. A few days ago, I (a) _____ (enjoy) an interesting football match. It was Friday. It was (b) _____ (play) between the top two teams of our country-Abahani and Mohammedan.  The match (c) _____ (give) me much joy. On the day of the match I (d) _____ (go) to the Dhaka stadium quite early. I (e) _____ (stand) in the line for a long time and (f) _____ (buy) a ticket. There (g) _____ (be) heavy rush of spectators at the gates of the stadium. I (h) ____ (stand) in the line. After (i) ____ (wait) for about an hour I (j) _____ (enter) the stadium and sat in one corner of the gallery in the south.

(a) enjoyed (b) played (c) gave (d) went (e) stood (f) bought (g) was (h) stood (i) waiting (j) entered

29. The beggar who (a) ____ (beg)s alms in the street (b) _____ (call) a street beggar. He (c) _____ (see) sitting or standing everywhere in the street of towns or cities. His hair (d) ____ (uncomb) and without oil. He is seen in patched up and torn clothes. His clothes (e) _____ (be) very dirty and bad smell (f) ____ (emit) from his clothes. Sometimes a street beggar is alone and sometimes in a company. A street beggar may (f) _____ (be) able-bodied, blind, lame or crippled. A street beggar (g) _____ (have) a bag hanging down his shoulder. When a passer-by (h) _____ (walk) past him, he (i) _____ (stretch) his begging bowl for alms. Sometimes he is seen reciting some sentences of the Holy Quran or the Kalema and (j) _____ (ask) for money in the name of Allah and His holy prophet.

(a) begs (b) is called (c) is seen (d) is uncombed (e) are (f) emits (g) has (h) walks (i) stretches (j) asks

30. This is Samira. She (a) _____(be)  twelve years old and is a student. She (b) _____ (live) in a village near Sonapur. At the moment she (c) _____ (sit) under a mango tree in her yard and reading a book. It (d) _____ (be) a small blue book. Her cousin, Karim, (e) _____ (be)  also there. He is a student too. He (f) _____ (stand) and (g) _____ (look) at some flowers in the garden. Karim not (h) _____ (live) in the country. He lives in Sonapur, but at the moment he (i) _____ (stay) with Samira’s parents. He (j) _____ (like) it there because it is peaceful and quiet.

(a)  is (b) lives (c) is sitting (d) is (e) is (f) standing (g) looking (h) live (i) is staying (j) likes

পিডিএফ ফাইল ডাউনলোড করতে নিচের ডাউনলোড বাটনে ক্লিক করুন-