Right Form of Verbs || Download PDF File

পিডিএফ ফাইল ডাউনলোড করতে নিচের ডাউনলোড বাটনে ক্লিক করুনঃ

1.     The Tense Identifiers: কিছু কিছু শব্দ বা শব্দগুচ্ছ আছে যা দেখে বোঝা যায় বাক্যের verb টি কোন  Tense  হবে। সেসব শব্দ বা শব্দগুচ্ছকে এখানে Tense Identifiers  হিসেবে অভিহিত করা হয়েছে। নিচে  Tense Identifiers এর একটি তালিকা এবং পরে এগুলোর বিশদ ব্যাখ্যা দেয়া হলোঃ


Tense Markers

1. Present Simple


always, often, sometimes, everyday, daily, regularly, usually, normally, occasionally, generally, daily, everyday etc.

2. Present Continuous


now, at this moment, at this time, at present, day by day, day after day, gradually, increasingly, still, look (তাৎক্ষণিক দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণমূলক), listen etc.

Note: State verb এর ক্ষেত্রে Present Simple Tense হবে।

Some state verbs: see, hear, feel, smell, taste, love, hate, like, believe, forget, know, appear, be, remain, have, own, owe, belong, deserve etc.

Example: He believes me now.

3. Present Perfect


just, just now, already, yet, ever, never, lately, recently, in the meantime.

4. Present Perfect

   Continuous Tense

for, since, how long etc. দ্বারা duration বোঝালে।

Note: State verb এর ক্ষেত্রে  Present Perfect Tense হবে।

Example: We have known each other for five years.

5. Past Simple Tense

yesterday, ago, long ago, long since, last, last night, last week, last month, last, year, as soon as, the day before yesterday, once, once upon a time, formerly, earlier etc.

6. Past Continuous


at that moment, at that time, then etc. এবং while, when, as দ্বারা যুক্ত দুটি অতীত ঘটনায় while, when, as যুক্ত অংশটি Past Continuous Tense হয়।

7. Past Perfect Tense

অতীতের দুটি ক্রমিক ঘটনার ক্ষেত্রে before এর পূর্বে ও after এর পরে Past Perfect Tense হয়।

8. Future Simple


tomorrow, coming, in the days/years to come.

9. Future Perfect Tense

by, by this time, by (time, month, year), next (time, month, year), by next (time, month, year).


1.1.      (a) সুনির্দিষ্ট অন্য কোন সময় উল্লেখ না করা হলে বাক্যে যদি always, often, sometimes, everyday, daily, regularly, usually, normally, occasionally, generally, daily, everyday etc. থাকে তাহলে বাক্যের verbটি  Present Simple Tense এ হয়।

Question      :         We often ------ (to fall) a victim of circumstances.

Answer        :         We often fall a victim of circumstances.

Question      :         He always ---- (get up) early in the morning.

Answer        :         He always gets up early in the morning.

Question      :         Her mother ----- (read) the Holly Quran daily.

Answer        :         Her mother reads the Holly Quran daily.


[Note: Present Simple Tense Subject 3rd Person Singular Number হলে Verb Singular হয় অর্থাৎ Be verb এর ক্ষেত্রে is, Have verb এর ক্ষেত্রে has, Do verb এর ক্ষেত্রে does এবং অন্যান্য verb এর ক্ষেত্রে verb+s/es হয়।]


(b) যেসব Exclamatory Sentence ‘Here’ বা ‘There’ দ্বারা শুরু হয়ে বর্তমানে কিছু                    ‪‪‪‪‫‫ঘটছে এমন বোঝায় সেসব বাক্যের Verbটি Present Simple Tense এ হয়।


Question      :         Here ----- (come) the bus!

Answer        :         Here comes the bus!

Question      :         There she ---- (go)!

Answer        :         There she goes!


(c) Universal truth (চিরন্তন সত্য) এবং Habitual fact (অভ্যাসগত বিষয়) এর ক্ষেত্রে Present Simple Tense হয়। এছাড়া Historical event বা ঐতিহাসিক সত্য ঘটনা প্রকাশের ক্ষেত্রে Present Simple Tense অথবা Past Simple Tense হয়।


Question      :         Water ---- (go) down.

Answer        :         Water goes down. (Universal truth)

Question      :         The earth ----- (revolve) round the sun.

Answer        :         The earth revolves round the sun. (Universal truth)

Question      :         Practice ---- (make) perfect.

Answer        :         Practice makes perfect. (Habitual fact)

Question      :         The battle of Palashi ---- (take place) in 1757 AD.

Answer        :         The battle of Palashi takes place/took place in 1757 AD.

(Historical event)


1.2.           (a) বাক্যে now, at this moment, at this time, at present, day by day, day after day, gradually, increasingly, still etc. থাকলে বাক্যটি Present Continuous Tense হয়। তেমনিভাবে বর্তমানে তাৎক্ষণিক দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণমূলক শব্দ যেমন- look, listen, hush ইত্যাদি থাকলেও Present Continuous Tense হয়। তবে  যেসব verb এর continuous হয় না সেসব ক্ষেত্রে Present Perfect Tense হবে।


Question      :         The boys ----- (play) now.

Answer        :        The boys are playing now.

Question      :         Look, the bird ----- (fly).

Answer        :                  Look, the bird is flying.

Question      :         Our population ----- (increase) gradually.

Answer        :                   Our population is increasing gradually.

Question      :         Day by day we ----- (get) wealthier.

Answer        :                   Day by day we are getting wealthier.


(b) while, when, as দ্বারা যুক্ত দুটি বর্তমান ঘটনায় while, when, as যুক্ত অংশটি Present Continuous Tense হয়।


Question      :        Don’t make a noise while the baby ----- (sleep).

Answer        :        Don’t make a noise while the baby is sleeping.


1.3.           বাক্যে just, just now, already, yet, ever, never, lately, recently, in the meantime থাকলে বাক্যটি Present Perfect Tense হয়।


Question      :         They not ----- (finish) the work yet.

Answer        :        They have not finished the work yet.

Question      :         I ------ (receive) your letter just now.

Answer        :                   I have received your letter just now.

Question      :         He never ---- (be) to Cox’s Bazar.

Answer        :                   He has never been to Cox’s Bazar.

Question      :         I ---- (see) him recently.

Answer        :                   I have seen him recently.


1.4.           বাক্যে যাবৎ, ধরে, হতে, থেকে অর্থে for বা since থাকলে Present Perfect Continuous Tense হয়। তবে  যেসব verb এর continuous হয় না সেসব ক্ষেত্রে Present Perfect Tense হবে।


Question      :         He ----- (live) here for five years.

Answer        :        He has been living here for five years.

Question      :         It ------ (rain) since morning.

Answer        :                   It has been raining since morning.


1.5.           yesterday, ago, long ago, long since, last, last night, last week, last month, last, year, the day before yesterday, once, once upon a time, formerly, earlier etc. শব্দ বা শব্দগুচ্ছ Past Simple Tense নির্দেশ করে।


Question      :         Earlier I ---- (serve) in a hospital.

Answer        :        Earlier I served in a hospital.

Question      :         He ---- (be) formerly a congressman.

Answer        :                   He was formerly a congressman.

Question      :         He ---- (move) Khulna last month.

Answer        :                   He moved Khulna last month.

Question      :         I ---- (meet) him yesterday.

Answer        :                   I met him yesterday.

Question      :         I opened the door as soon as I ---- (hear) the bell.

Answer        :                   I opened the door as soon as I heard the bell.


1.6.           (a)  বাক্যে at   that  moment, at that time, then etc. থাকলে বাক্যটি Past Continuous Tense হয়।  while, when, as দ্বারা যুক্ত দুটি অতীত ঘটনায় while, when, as যুক্ত অংশটি Past Continuous Tense হয়। তবে কখনো কখনো when যুক্ত অংশটি Past Simple Tense হলে অপর অংশ Past Continuous Tense হয়।


Question      :         As the sun ---- (shine), I decided to go out.

Answer        :        As the sun was shining, I decided to go out.

Question      :         While I ---- (walk) in the field, I saw a dead cow.

Answer        :                   While I was walking in the field, I saw a dead cow.

Question      :         We were watching the news when the telephone --- (ring).

Answer        :                   We were watching the news when the telephone rang.


(b) While এর পরে Subject না থেকে যদি সরাসরি verb থাকে তাহলে উক্ত verb এর সাথে ing যুক্ত হয়।


Question      :         While ---- (walk) in the field, I saw a dead cow.

Answer        :                   While walking in the field, I saw a dead cow.


1.7.           অতীতের দুটি ক্রমিক ঘটনার ক্ষেত্রে before এর পূর্বে ও after এর পরে Past Perfect Tense হয়। অপর অংশটি Past Simple Tense হয়।


Question      :         I reached the station after the train ---- (leave).

Answer        :        I reached the station after the train had left.

Question      :         The patient ---- (die) before the doctor came.

Answer        :                   The patient had died before the doctor came.

Question      :         The thief had run away before the police ---- (arrive).

Answer        :                   The thief had run away before the police arrived.


1.8.           বাক্যে tomorrow, coming, in the days/years to come etc. থাকলে বাক্যটি Future Simple Tense হয়। 


Question      :         He ---- (come) home tomorrow.

Answer        :        He will come home tomorrow.

Question      :         More savings ---- (appear) in coming years.

Answer        :                   More savings will appear in coming years.


1.9.           বাক্যে by, by this time, by (time, month, year), next (time, month, year), by next (time, month, year) থাকলে বাক্যটি Future Perfect Tense হয়। 


Question      :         Next year, Labib and Laila ---- (marry) for five years.

Answer        :         Next year, Labib and Laila will have been married for five


Question      :         I ---- (arrive) by 5:30 pm.

Answer        :                   I will have arrived by 5:30 pm.


2.      Subject  যদি 3rd person  I  singular  number  হয় এবং  verb  যদি  Present Simple Tense  এ থাকে তাহলে  verb  এর শেষে s  বা  es  যোগ করতে হবে|  verb  এর শেষে o,  ch, sh, ss, x, z ইত্যাদি থাকলে es যোগ করতে হয় |


Question      :         The teacher ---- (teach) us English.

Answer        :                   The teacher teaches us English.



3.      Uncountable noun সবসময় sentence G singular subject হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়|


Question       :         Milk ---- (be) not cheap in cost.

Answer         :                   Milk is not cheap in cost.


4.      Subject  এর Headword   অনুসারে  verb বসে|  Headword  যদি  Singular  হয় তবে verb  টি  singular  এবং  Headword  যদি  plural  হয় তবে  verb  টি  plural  হয়| তবে subject বড় হলে মূল/প্রধান noun (headword) ধরা কষ্টকর হতে পারে। কয়েকটি শব্দ নিয়ে subject গঠিত হলে ঐ অংশে preposition (যেমনঃ of, in ইত্যাদি) এবং relative pronoun (যেমনঃ who, which, what ইত্যাদি) থাকলে ঐ  Preposition বা relative pronoun এর ঠিক পূর্বের শব্দটিই প্রধান  Noun বা Headword.


Question       :         The quality of the books ----- (be) good.

Answer         :                   The quality of the books is good.

Question       :         All the members of the club ---- (be) educated.

Answer         :                   All the members of the club are educated.

Question       :         The mangoes that I bought yesterday ---- (be) rotten.

Answer         :                   The mangoes that I bought yesterday are rotten.


[Note: verb এর singular plural করা হয় noun এর বিপরীত নিয়মে। noun এর সাথে s/es যোগ করলে সেটা plural হয়ে যায়। কিন্তু verb এর সাথে s/es যোগ করলে সেটা singular হয়ে যায়, আর s/es যোগ না করলে সেটা plural হয়।


Singular noun

Plural noun


Singular verb

Plural verb














5.      Each, every, any যুক্ত  subject এর পর verb  টি  singular  হয়|  


Question       :         Everyone ---- (have) ended in smoke.

Answer         :                   Everyone has ended in smoke.

Question       :         Each boy ---- (have) got a medal.

Answer         :                   Each boy has got a medal.

Question       :         Anybody ---- (be) capable of doing the work.

Answer         :                   Anybody is capable of doing the work.


6.      (a) Some + plural verb

(b) Some + plural noun + plural verb

(c) Some + uncountable noun + singular verb

(d) somebody/someone/something + singular verb


Question       :         Some ---- (be) happy with what they have.

Answer         :                   Some are happy with what they have.

Question       :         Some people ---- (be) very active.

Answer         :                   Some people are very active.

Question       :         Some data ---- (be) invalid.

Answer         :                   Some data is invalid.

Question       :         Somebody ---- (be) looking for you.

Answer         :                   Somebody is looking for you.


7.      No এর পরে singular noun থাকলে verbটি singular হয় এবং  plural noun থাকলে verb টি plural হয়ে থাকে।


Question       :         No birds ---- (be) on the tree.

Answer         :                   No birds were on the tree.

Question       :         No boy ----- (do) their homework yet.

Answer         :                   No boy has done  the homework yet.


8.      (a) many + plural noun + plural verb.

(b) many + a/an + singular noun + singular verb


Question       :         Many people ---- (have) died of COVID19.

Answer         :                   Many people have died of COVID19.

Question       :         Many a boy ---- (ruin) his career through laziness.

Answer         :                   Many a boy ruins his career through laziness.


9.      Any of (the), each  of  (the),  one  of  (the),  either  of  (the), neither of (the), none of (the)  ইত্যাদির পরে  noun/pronoun plural হবে কিন্তু verb singular হবে।


Question       :         Any of the boys ---- (know) the answer.

Answer         :                   Any of the boys knows the answer.

Question       :         Each of the girls ---- (be) pretty.

Answer         :                   Each of the girls is pretty.

Question       :         Neither of them ---- (be) food obsessed person.

Answer         :                   Neither of them is food obsessed person.


 [Note: None of যুক্ত subject এর পরে singular/plural verb ব্যবহার করা যায়। তবে plural verb ই অধিক প্রচলিত।]


Question       :         None of the boys ----- (do) their home work yet.

Answer         :                   None of the boys has done their home work yet.


10.   সাধারণত  and  দ্বারা যুক্ত দুই বা ততোধিক  noun/pronoun  কে একত্রে  plural subject  ধরা হয় এবং  verb I plural nq|


Question       :         Ayon and Nourin ---- (be) swimming in the river. 

Answer         :                   Ayon and Nourin were swimming in the river. 

Question       :         Time and tide ---- (wait) for none. 

Answer         :                   Time and tide wait for none. 


11.   সাধারণত and দ্বারা যুক্ত দুটি পদ আলাদা দুজন ব্যক্তিকে নির্দেশ করলে দুটি পদের পূর্বেই The বসে এবং verb টি plural হয়| কিন্তু দুটি পদ একই ব্যক্তিকে নির্দেশ করলে প্রথম পদের পূর্বেই  The  বসে এবং  verb টি  singular হয়।


Question       :         The headmaster and the secretary --- (have) given me a hand.

Answer         :                   The headmaster and the secretary have given me a hand. 

Question       :         The headmaster and secretary ---- (have) helped a lame man.

Answer         :                   The headmaster and secretary has helped a lame man.


12.   And দ্বারা যুক্ত দুটি Subject সমষ্টিগত অর্থ বুঝালে verb টি  singular হয়।


Question       :         Slow and steady ---- (win) the race.

Answer         :                   Slow and steady wins the race.

Question       :         Rice and curry ---- (be) my only food.

Answer         :                   Rice and curry is my only food.

Question       :         Bread and butter ---- (be) my favourite breakfast.

Answer         :         Bread and butter is my favourite breakfast.


13.   And দ্বারা যুক্ত Subject গুলোর পূর্বে each, every, no ইত্যাদি থাকলে verb এর singular form হয়।


Question       :         Each boy and each girl ---- (be) active.

Answer         :                   Each boy and each girl is active.

Question       :         No man and no woman ---- (be) there.

Answer         :                   No man and no woman was there.


14.   টাকার পরিমাণ (measurment of money), সময় (time) এবং দূরত্ব (distance) plural হলেও verb টি singular হয়|


Question       :         Fifty yards ---- (be) not a good distance.

Answer         :                   Fifty yards is not a good distance.

Question       :         Ten thousand dollars ---- (be) a big amount of money.

Answer         :                   Ten thousand dollars is a big amount of money.


15.   Collective  Noun  এর পর সাধারণত  singular  verb  বসে। কিন্তু বিচ্ছিন্নতা/ভিন্নতা বোঝালে Collective noun  এর পরে plural verb বসে|


Question       :         The committee ---- (be) making the planning of Dhaka city.

Answer         :                   The committee is making the planning of Dhaka city.

Question       :         The committee ---- (be) divided into two parts.

Answer         :                   The committee are divided into two parts.

Question       :         The jury ---- (have) ordered to hang the criminal.

Answer         :                   The jury has ordered to hang the criminal.

Question       :         The jury ---- (be) divided in their opinion.

Answer         :                   The jury are divided in their opinion.


16.   দেশের নাম, বইয়ের নাম দেখতে plural হলেও এদের পরে verb টি singular হয়।


Question       :         Sons and Lovers ---- (be) my favourite novel.

Answer         :                   Sons and Lovers is my favourite novel.

Question       :         The United Arab Emirates ---- (be) a Middle East country.

Answer         :                   The United Arab Emirates is a Middle East country.


17.   both, few, several সর্বদা verb এর plural রূপ গ্রহণ করে।


Question       :         Both ---- (be) happy.

Answer         :                   Both are happy.

Question       :         Some of us ---- (be) doing well.

Answer         :                   Some of us are doing well.


18.   (a) All that  এর পরে  সবসময় singular verb হয়।


Question       :         All that glitters ---- (be) not gold.

Answer         :                   All that glitters is not gold.


(b) All+uncountable noun এর পরে singular verb বসে।


Question       :         All the money ------ (have) been spent.

Answer         :                   All the money has been spent.


(c) All+plural noun এর পরে plural verb বসে।


Question       :         All the members ---- (be) present.

Answer         :                   All the members are present.


(d) Pronoun হিসেবে শুধু All  থাকলে অর্থ অনুযায়ী ইহার পরে singular  বা  plural verb বসে। এক্ষেত্রে all দ্বারা সবকিছু বুঝালে all এর পরে singular verb বসে, আর all দ্বারা সবাই বা countable noun বুঝালে all এর পরে plural verb বসে।


Question       :         All ---- (be) lost.

Answer         :                   All is lost.

Question       :         All ---- (be) intelligent.

Answer         :                   All are intelligent.


19.   Adjective এর পূর্বে the বসালে verb টি plural হয়।


Question       :         The rich ---- (be) not always happy.

Answer         :                   The rich are not always happy.

Question       :         The honest ---- (get) rewarded.

Answer         :                   The honest get rewarded.


20.   ‘one of’ এর পরে noun টি plural হলেও verb টি singular হয়।


Question       :         One of the students ---- (be) absent.

Answer         :                   One of the students is absent.

Question       :         One of the women ---- (wear) a red shari.

Answer         :                   One of the women wears a red shari.


21.   Relative pronoun ( that, which, who ইত্যাদি) সহযোগে গঠিত বাক্যে antecedent (যার পরিবর্তে relative pronoun বসে) অনুযায়ী verb ব্যবহৃত হয়।


Question       :         It is I who ----- (be) responsible.

Answer         :                   It is I who am responsible.

Question       :         The students who ---- (be) studious do well in the exam.

Answer         :                   The students who are studious do well in the exam.


22.   Majority, infantry, clergy, people, police, public, peasantry, mankind, cattle, poultry, folk, gentry, vermin, dozen, pair  ইত্যাদি দেখতে  singular মনে হলেও এদের পরে verb plural হয়।


Question       :         Three dozen ---- (make) thirty six.

Answer         :                   Three dozen make thirty six.

Question       :         The peasantry of Bangladesh ---- (be) very poor.

Answer         :                   The peasantry of Bangladesh are very poor.

Question       :         Cattle ---- (be) grazing in the field.

Answer         :                   Cattle are grazing in the field.


23.   Furniture, machinery, information, poetry, scenery- এগুলোর পরে সবসময় singular verb বসে। এগুলোর plural করা যায় না।


Question       :         All the furniture ---- (be) good.

Answer         :                   All the furniture is good.

Question       :         His information ---- (be) false.

Answer         :                   His information was false.

Question       :         The poetry of Nazrul ---- (charm) me.

Answer         :                   The poetry of Nazrul charms me.


24.   Belongings, clothes, congratulations, earnings, savings, goods, riches, stairs, particulars, premises, surroundings, thanks- শব্দগুলো সাধারণত plural হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয় এবং এগুলোর পরে plural verb বসে।


Question       :         My particulars ---- (be) given below.

Answer         :                   My particulars are given below.

Question       :         The surroundings ---- (be) pleasant.

Answer         :                   The surroundings are pleasant.

Question       :         His earnings ---- (have) increased.

Answer         :                   His earnings have increased.


25.   কিছু noun আছে যেগুলো দেখতে plural কিন্তু অর্থে singular. এগুলোর পরে singular verb বসে। এধরণের noun এর কিছু উদাহরণ দেওয়া হলো-



civics, economics, physics, statistics, politics, mathematics, linguistics, phonetics,


gymnastics, athletics,


diabetes, measles, rabies


Question       :         Physics ---- (be) my favourite subject.

Answer         :                   Physics is my favourite subject.

Question       :         Diabetes ---- (be) a metabolic disease.

Answer         :                   Diabetes is a metabolic disease.


কিন্তু Academic বিষয় না বুঝিয়ে সাধারণ অর্থে ব্যবহার হলে এগুলোর পরে plural verb বসে।


Question       :         Statistics ---- (show) that sixty percent people of our country

are poor.

Answer         :         Statistics show that sixty percent people of our country

are poor.


26.   Means, headquarter, crossroads, series, species – এগুলোর singular plural একই বানান। তাই ইহার দ্বারা singular অর্থ বুঝালে ইহার পরে singular verb বসে। আর ইহার দ্বারা plural অর্থ বুঝালে ইহার পরে plural verb বসে।


Question       :         Our only means of transport ---- (be) bus.

Answer         :                   Our only means of transport is bus.x

Question       :         The species of the cat family ---- (be) tigers.

Answer         :                   The species of the cat family is tigers.

Question       :         Some species of the animal ---- (be) abolished.

Answer         :                   Some species of the animal are abolished.


27.   ভগ্নাংশের ক্ষেত্রে one-third, one-fourth, two-thirds, three-fourths ইত্যাদির পরে noun singular হলে verbটি singular হয় অথবা noun plural হলে verbটি plural হয়।

Question       :         One-third of the students ---- (be) present.

Answer         :                   One-third of the students are present.

Question       :         Two-thirds of the book ---- (be) rubbish.

Answer         :                   Two-thirds of the book is rubbish.

Question       :         Three fourth of the country ---- (be) in the grip of flood then.

Answer         :                   Three fourth of the country was in the grip of flood then.


28.   One and a half + plural noun + singular verb.


Question       :         One and a half mangoes ----(be) enough.

Answer         :                   One and a half mangoes is enough.


29.   (a) more than one + singular noun + singular verb.


Question       :         More than one man ---- (be) killed.

Answer         :                   More than one man was killed.


(b) more than two + plural noun + plural verb.


Question       :         More than two men ---- (be) killed.

Answer         :                   More than two men were killed.


(c) more + plural noun + than one + plural verb.


Question       :         More mangoes than one ---- (have) been rotten.

Answer         :                   More mangoes than one have been rotten.


30.   A number of এর পরে plural verb এবং The number of এর পরে plural verb বসে।


Question       :         A number of books ---- (have) been lost.

Answer         :                   A number of books have been lost.

Question       :         The number of honest people ---- (be) decreasing.

Answer         :                   The number of honest people is decreasing.


31.   A lot of, lots of, plenty of, half of, rest of, part of এর পরে singular/uncountable noun থাকলে verb singular হবে, আর এগুলোর পরে plural noun থাকলে verb plural হবে।


Question       :         A lot of rice ---- (have) been wasted.

Answer         :                   A lot of rice has been wasted.

Question       :         A lot of mangoes ---- (be) rotten.

Answer         :                   A lot of mangoes are rotten.

Question       :         Half of the wood ---- (be) burnt.

Answer         :                   Half of the wood is burnt.

Question       :         Half of the trees ---- (be)  cut down.

Answer         :                   Half of the trees are  cut down.


32.   A majority of / The majority of + plural verb.


Question       :         A majority of the people ---- (be) educated.

Answer         :                   A majority of the people are educated.


33.   দুটি subject যদি As well as, with, along with, along with, together with, accompanied by, accompanied with, escorted by, followed by, in addition to, including to, except, and not/ no দ্বারা যুক্ত হয় তাহলে প্রথম subject অনুযায়ী verb বসে। অর্থাৎ প্রথম subject ‘singular’ হলে verb ‘singular’ এবং প্রথম subject ‘plural’ হলে verb ‘plural’ হবে।


Question       :         He and not  his sons ---- (have) come.

Answer         :                   He and not  his sons has come.

Question       :         She together with her parents ---- (intend) to visit us.

Answer         :                   She together with her parents intends to visit us.

Question       :         The children along with their mother ---- (have) come.

Answer         :                   The children along with their mother have come.


34.   Or, nor, either……or, neither…….nor, not  only……but  also থাকলে শেষের subject অনুযায়ী verb বসে। অর্থাৎ শেষের subject ‘singular’ হলে verb ‘singular’ এবং শেষের subject ‘plural’ হলে verb ‘plural’ হবে।


Question       :         He or they ----- (be) guilty.

Answer         :                   He or they are guilty.

Question       :         Neither Rimu nor her sisters ---- (be) meritorious.

Answer         :                   Neither Rimu nor her sisters are meritorious.

Question       :         Either the boys or their father ---- (have) come.

Answer         :                   Either the boys or their father has come.


35.   Nothing but এর পরে সবসময় singular verb বসে।


Question       :         Nothing but unfulfilled desires ---- (attract) me.

Answer         :                   Nothing but unfulfilled desires attracts me.


36.   (a) There / here + singular verb + singular noun.

(b) There / here + plural verb + plural noun.


Question       :         There ---- (be) an old man in a village.

Answer         :                   There was an old man in a village.

Question       :         There ---- (be) ten cows in the field.

Answer         :                   There are ten cows in the field.


37.   Infinite, gerund, verbal  noun,  clause  ইত্যাদি বাক্যের  Subject  হিসেবে থাকলে ঐ Subject কে 3rd person singular number হিসেবে গণ্য করে singular verb বসাতে হয়।


Question       :         Swimming ---- (be) a good exercise.

Answer         :                   Swimming is a good exercise.

Question       :         To tell a lie ---- (be) a great sin.

Answer         :                   To tell a lie is a great sin.

Question       :         The writing of poem ---- (be) my favorite hobby.

Answer         :                   The writing of poem is my favorite hobby.

Question       :         That you completed the course ---- (be) known to me.

Answer         :                   That you completed the course is known to me.


38.   Preposition  এর পর  verb  সাধারণত  Gerund  (verb+ing)  আকারে বসে| অর্থাৎ  At, in, into, on, of, for, about, from, with, by, without, through, across, along, against, during, within, after, before, between, among, over, above, under, below, up, down, off, out, beside, besides, beyond, behind, away, except, past  ইত্যাদি  Preposition  এর পর  verb  এর সাথে  ing  যোগ হয়|


Question       :         He never thought of ---- (go) to cinema.

Answer         :                   He never thought of going to cinema.

Question       :         To tell a lie ---- (be) a great sin.

Answer         :                   To tell a lie is a great sin.


39.   Since যদি conjunction হিসেবে ব্যহহৃত হয় তাহলে নিচের structure অনুযায়ী verb এর রূপ পরিবর্তন করতে হবে।

(a)  Present simple/present perfect + since + past simple

(b)  Past simple + since + past perfect


Question       :         Two years have passed since my father ---- (die).

Answer         :                   Two years have passed since my father died.

Question       :         It was long since I ---- (see) her last.

Answer         :                   It was long since I had seen her last.

Question       :         It ---- (be) many years since they had first met.

Answer         :                   It was many years since they had first met.

Question       :         It ---- (be) three years since I lost my father.

Answer         :                   It is three years since I lost my father.


40.   Since যখন adverb হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয় তখন এটি কোনো  clause কে যুক্ত করে না। তখন এরত পরে কোন  noun  বা  noun equivalent বসে না। একাকী ব্যবহৃত হয়। এরূপভাবে since ব্যবহৃত হলে তার আগে একটি Adverb of time বসে এবং since = ago এরূপ অর্থ প্রদান করে। এক্ষেত্রে since এর পূর্ববর্তী verb টি Past simple tense এ হয়।


Question       :         I ---- (see) him long since.

Answer         :                   I saw him long since.


41.   যদি কোনো sentence infinitive (to + verb) এর পূর্বে go’ verb থাকে তবে go’ verb টির গঠন Present continuous tense এ হয়।


Question       :         He ---- (go) to buy a colour TV soon.

Answer         :                   He is going to buy a colour TV soon.

Question       :         The Manager ---- (go) to inaugurate a new branch.

Answer         :                   The Manager is going to inaugurate a new branch.


42.   Sentence এর শুরুতে would that থাকলে এর পরে could বসে এবং প্রদত্ত verb এর base form হয়।


Question       :         Would that I ---- (study) in Oxford University.

Answer         :                   Would that I could study in Oxford University.


43.   It  is  time, it  is  high  time, it  is  right  time, it  is  proper  time, ইত্যাদির পরে   subject  থাকলে তার পরের verb টি past form হয়।


Question       :         It is high time we ---- (change) our outlook.

Answer         :                   It is high time we changed our outlook.


44.   I  fancy, I wish, if এর পরে be verb থাকলে were হয় এবং অন্য verb থাকলে verb এর past form হয় অথবা could + verb এর present form হয়।


Question       :         I fancy I ---- (have) the wings of a bird.

Answer         :                   I wish I had the wings of a bird.

Question       :         If I ----- (drive) an airoplane.

Answer         :                   If I could drive an airoplane.

Question       :         I wish I ---- (be) a millionaire.

Answer         :                   I wish I were a millionaire.


45.   (a) Present Tense + as if/as though/ + Past simple tense

(b)  Past simple tense + as if/as though + Past perfect tense


Question       :         He speaks as if he ---- (know) everything.

Answer         :                   He speaks as if he knew everything.

Question       :         He did the work as though he ---- (do) it before.

Answer         :                   He did the work as though he had done it before.


[As though/as if এর পরে be verb থাকলে সর্বদা were হয়।]


46.    Conditional sentence চার প্রকার

(a)  Zero conditional: যদি চিরন্তন সত্য হয় তবে

(i)              if + present simple, +  present simple

(ii)            present simple + if + present simple


Question       :         If water freezes, it ---- (turn) into ice.

Answer         :                   If water freezes, it turns into ice.

Question       :         If sun ---- (rise), darkness disappears.

Answer         :                   If sun rises, darkness disappears.

Question       :         Darkness ---- (disappear) if sun rises.

Answer         :                   Darkness disappears if sun rises.


(b)  First conditional:

(i)              if + present simple, + future simple (sub + will/can/may + V0)

(ii)            future simple (sub + will/can/may + V0) + if + present simple


Question       :         If I find his address, I ---- (write) to him.

Answer         :                   If I find his address, I will write to him.

Question       :         we will make the negotiation if he ---- (want).

Answer         :                   we will make the negotiation if he wants.

Question       :         If you work hard, you ---- (be) able to pass.

Answer         :                   If you work hard, you will be able to pass.


(c)  Second conditional: 

(i)              if + past simple + past conditional (subject + would/could/might + V0)

(ii)            past conditional (Sub + would/could/might + V0) + if + past simple


Question       :         If I found his address, I ---- (write) to him.

Answer         :                   If I found his address, I would write to him.

Question       :         If you came, I ---- (go).

Answer         :                   If you came, I would go.

Question       :         If I ---- (had) money, I would help the poor.

Answer         :                   If I had money, I would help the poor.


(d)  Third conditional: 

(i)      if + past perfect + perfect conditional (Sub + could/ would/ might + have + V3)

(ii)    perfect conditional (Sub + could/ would/ might + have + V3) + if + past perfect


Question       :       If he ---- (come), I would have helped him.

Answer         :       If he had come, I would have helped him.

Question       :       If the man had found my address, he ---- (write) to me.

Answer         :       If the man had found my address, he would have written to me.

Question       :       You ---- (pass) if you had worked hard.

Answer         :       You could have passed if you had worked hard.


কখনো কখনো third conditional if ব্যবহৃত হয় না| সেক্ষেত্রে had’ sentence এর শুরুতে ব্যবহৃত


Question       :     Had I read the book, I ---- (know) many unknown things.

Answer         :     Had I read the book, I would have known many unknown things.

Question       :     Had we taken the decision, you ---- (fall) in distress.

Answer         :     Had we taken the decision, you could have fallen in distress.

Question       :     Had he come, I ---- (meet) him.

Answer         :     Had he come, I would have met him.


Note: conditional sentence G be verb হিসাবে সর্বদা were  ব্যবহৃত হয়|


Question       :       If I ---- (be) a king, I would help you.

Answer         :       If I were a king, I would help you.

Question       :       If he ---- (be) in the meeting, we would make the negotiation.

Answer         :       If he were in the meeting, we would make the negotiation.


Note: Conditional sentence G connector হিসেবে in case, unless, provided that ইত্যাদি ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে।


Question       :       Give him your telephone number in case he ---- (get) lost.

Answer         :       Give him your telephone number in case he gets lost.

Question       :       I will lend you money provided that you --- (return) it.

Answer         :       I will lend you money provided that you return it.

Question       :       You will fail in the exam unless you ---- (work) hard.

Answer         :       You will fail in the exam unless you work hard.


তবে unless শব্দটি  negative হওয়ায় এর পর আর কোনো negative word ব্যবহার করা যাবে না|


Incorrect      :         Unless he does not come, I will not go there. (incorrect)

Correct        :         Unless he comes, I will not go there.  (correct)


47.   (a) No sooner + had + subject + V3 + than + Subject + V2.

(b) Scarcely + had + subject + V3 + when + Subject + V2

(c) Hardly + had + subject + V3 + before + Subject + V2


Question       :       No sooner had the police arrived than the thief --- (run) away.

Answer         :       No sooner had the police arrived than the thief ran away.

Question       :       Scarcely had I reached the station when the train ---- (start).

Answer         :       Scarcely had I reached the station when the train started.

Question       :       Hardly I (see) a parrot before it flew away.

Answer         :       Hardly had I seen a parrot before it flew away.


48.   Had  better, had rather, would better, would rather, let, must, need, dare ইত্যাদির পর verb এর base form হয়।


Question       :       You had better ---- (go) home.

Answer         :       You had better go home.

Question       :       I will not let you ---- (enter) the classroom.

Answer         :       I will not let you enter the classroom.

Question       :       How dare you ---- (rebuke) me.

Answer         :       How dare you rebuke me.


49.   to এর পরে verb এর base form হয় কিন্তু with a view to, look forward to, get used to, got used to, be used to, with an eye to, confess to, object to, resort to, addicted to, devoted to,  accustomed to,  inured to এর পর verb + ing হয়।


Question       :       I am looking forward to ---- (hear) from you.

Answer         :       I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Question       :       Students learn English with a view to ---- (get) a good job.

Answer         :       Students learn English with a view to getting a good job.

Question       :       He is used to ----- (take) tea in the morning.

Answer         :       He is used to taking tea in the morning.


50.   Mind, worth, without, past, cannot help, could not help, cannot bear, would you mind, Avoid, enjoy, finish, like, stop, start, miss, remember, feel like, ইত্যাদি পরে verb এর Present Participle অর্থাৎ (verb+ing) হয়|


Question       :       I feel like ---- (go) to cinema.

Answer         :       I feel like going to cinema.

Question       :       Students cannot help ---- (study) regularly.

Answer         :       Students cannot help studding regularly.

Question       :       I cannot stop ---- (laugh).

Answer         :       I cannot stop laughing.


51.   Preposition + verb + ing


Question       :       I never thought of ---- (go) to cinema.

Answer         :       I never thought of going to cinema..


52.   see, find, watch, notice, make, build, behold, hear + object + present  participle (Verb+ing) অথবা bare infinitive (base form of a verb) structure টি মনে রাখতে হবে| তবে Passive voice এর ক্ষেত্রে to infinitive হবে।


Question       :       I made him ---- (do) the work.

Answer         :       I made him do the work.

Question       :       He was seen ---- (go) by me.

Answer         :       He was seen to go by me.


53.   Have, has, had, get, got, want + বস্তুবাচক (direct) object +v3 বসে|


Question       :       I got the work ---- (do).

Answer         :       I got the work done.

Question       :       I had my rice ---- (cook).

Answer         :       I had my rice cooked.


54.   Sub + have/make/help + ব্যক্তিবাচক (indirect) object +V0  Structure টি মনে রাখতে হবে।

Ex: I make Mr. Kobir maintain the office of MasterMind


Question       :       I made Mr. Raihan ---- (maintain) the office.

Answer         :       I made Mr. Raihan maintain the office.


55.   Lest +subject +should/might + V0


Question       :       He ran fast lest he ---- (miss) the train.

Answer         :       He ran fast lest he should miss the train.


56.    (a) Modal auxiliaries + v0

(c)  Modal auxiliaries + be + v3


Question       :       You must ---- (obey) your superiors.

Answer         :       You must obey your superiors.

Question       :       Your duty should be ---- (do) properly.

Answer         :       Your duty should be done properly.


57.   কোনো Conjunction  ছাড়া sentence  এ যদি একের অধিক verb  থাকে

(i)              সাধারণত উদ্দেশ্য বুঝাতে non-finite verb টি infinitive (to + verb) হয়।

(ii)            non-finite verb এর ঠিক আগের noun টি নিজেই ঐ কাজ করলে verb + ing হবে।

(iii)          কিন্তু  কাজটি সেই noun দ্বারা না হয়ে অন্য কারো দ্বারা হলে verb টির past participle হবে।


Question       :       Istiak decided ---- (study) Economics.

Answer         :       Istiak decided to study Economics.

Question       :       I know the boy ---- (come) here.

Answer         :       I know the boy coming here.

Question       :       English is a language ---- (speak) all over the world.

Answer         :       English is a language spoken all over the world.