Email: Experience of a journey you have recently made


Write an email to your friend describing the experience of a journey you have recently made.


Subject: Describing the experience of a journey I have recently made.

Dear Rafik,

Assalamu alaikum. Best regards to you. Thanks for your email. I have just been back from a long journey to India. I have very wonderful memories and experiences. One of them was my train journey in India. I am writing short accounts of my train journey.

Last week our family went to Madras by Karonondul express. It is a very fast train. We started from Kolkata at 2.25 p.m. We had our reservation for sleeper class. I had my seat with my mother beside the window. So I could see outside and enjoy the natural beauties. The train passed station after stations. It passed through West Bengal and then Orissa. It ran the whole night and then passed through Tamil Nadu. The greenery and the hilly areas of the land impressed me with wonderful sights. We could sleep well the previous night on the berth. We were given our meals timely. There was no shortage of water supply. I could wash myself and say my prayers in time. It was the longest journey experienced in my life. But it was comfortable and very interesting. At night the full moon appeared in the sky. I enjoyed her beauty and thought in praise of the Creator. As it was a family trip, it was most enjoyable to me. The train reached Madras the following day after a journey of 28 hours. Though it was a very long journey, we did not feel exhausted.

Convey my best compliments to your parents and love to your younger brothers and sisters.

With love


পিডিএফ ফাইল ডাউনলোড করতে নিচের ডাউনলোড বাটনে ক্লিক করুনঃ