Dialogue: causes and remedies of road accidents in our country || PDF Download

1.     Write a dialogue between two friends about the causes and remedies of road accidents in our country.


A dialogue between two friends about the causes and remedies of road accidents in our country.




Hello, Selim! Why do you look so sad?



The news of the death of my cousin in a road accident has made me sad.



Sorry, actually it’s frequent sad that there’s not a single day you’ll find the newspaper without the news of road accident.



Can you tell me the causes of so many road accidents nowadays?



Overtaking tendency, reckless driving, lack of traffic police, violation of traffic rules and signals, overloaded vehicles and unskilled drivers are the main causes of road accidents.



The conditions of roads are not also good at many points. There are narrow roads which are also responsible for road accident.



What can be done to reduce road accident?



Drivers should be given training, unfit and unlicensed vehicles should be removed from the roads, people should be made aware of traffic rules and signals.



Thank you, my friend. Now it is time to go home. Bye.



You’re are most welcome. See you again.

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