Right Form of Verbs Exercise For Class Seven || PDF Download


Complete the following texts with the right form of verbs given between parentheses.

1.     There (a) – (be) a farmer in a village. He (b) – (have) five sons. But the sons always (c) – (quarrel) with one another. The old man advised his sons not to quarrel. But they did not (d) – (listen) to his words. One day the old man called his sons to him and told them to (e) – (bring) a bundle of sticks. Then he asked them to (f) – (break) the bundle of sticks. All the sons tried but (g) – (fail). Now the old man said, “Remember my son unity (h) – (be) strength.” If you (i) – (remain) united nobody will (j) – (be) able to do you any harm.


Answer: (a) was (b) had (c) quarreled (d) listen (e) bring (f) break (g) failed (h) is (i) remain (j) be


2.     The poet, W. Wordsworth was (a) – (take) a solitary (b) – (walk) beside a lake on bright and breezy spring morning. He suddenly (c) – (come) upon a sight that (d) – (fill) him with delighted wonder at its beauty, and with gaiety of heart. There (e) – (stretch) before his wondering gaze thousands of yellow daffodils under the trees beside the sparkling waters of the lake(f) – (flutter) and dancing in the breeze. The sight (g) – (fill) him with pleasure, nut he did not know at the time all that the experience had (h) – (add) to his life. For many times afterwards memory (i) – (bring) back that beautiful scene as a mental picture which (j) – (give) him over and again the same sense of gladness.


Answer: (a) taking (b) walk (c) came (d) filled (e) stretched (f) fluttering (g) filled (h) added (i) brought (j) gave


3.     Two big lions were (a) – (catch) yesterday in Khulna area. Nobody (b) – (tell) this report where those lions (c) – (come) from. People fist (d) – (see) them roaming near the forest. They immediately (e) – (inform) the forest guards. The forest authority (f) – (take) two person to (g) – (catch) them. Now they (h) – (be) in the zoo. Everyday hundreds of people are (i) – (come) to (j) – (see) them in the zoo.


Answer: (a) caught (b) could tell (c) came (d) saw (e) informed (f) took (g) catch (h) are (i) coming (j) see


4.     Television is one of the greatest wonders of modern science. It (a) – (combine) both the functions of (b) – (hear) and (c) – (see) .The word ‘tele’ literally (d) – (mean) ‘far’ and ‘vision’ means ‘sight’. So, television literally means the process by which things can be (e) – (see) from a distance. It is really a wonder that we (f) – (see) the image of person on the screen on the television when he sings or (g) – (talk). Only by (h) – (hearing) a man, we may not (i) – (understand) him fully, but if we both see and (j)) – (hear) him, his speech is likely to be sore impressive affection.


Answer: (a) combines (b) hearing (c) seeing (d) means (e) seen (f) see (g) talks (h) hearing (i) understand (j) hear


5.     Computer was not (a) – (invent) overnight. It (b) – (take) long time and hard labour to invent computer. Many votaries of science (c) – (work) hard and (d) – (make) computer. Computer not (e) – (work) itself. It (f) – (work) on the  basis of commands given by the operator. It (g) – (be) necessary in our daily life for various purposes. It has (h) – (abate) our work load and (i) – (make) our life easy. Today the doctors (j) – (need) computers to diagnose a disease.


Answer: (a) invented (b) took (c) worked (d) made (e) work (f) works (g) is (h) abated (i) made (j) need


6.     The best way to (a) – (learn) and have a command of English or any language is by (b) – (speak) it. To (c) – (attain) mastery of English and to (d) – (improve) vocabulary one has to converse in English, read English books, newspapers and magazines. A note book should be (e) – (keep) ready so that new words could be (f) – (note) down. The next step (g) – (be) to look for the meanings of the words in a good dictionary. English newspapers can (h) – (be) a source of new words. By (i) – (write) down a student’s daily activities and thoughts in diary in English one can (j) – (improve) one’s writing ability.


Answer: (a) learn (b) speaking (c) attain (d) improve (e) kept (f) noted (g) is (h) be (i) writing (j) improve


7.     Nazrul Islam (a) – (be) a poet of Muslim renaissance and has such deeply (b) – (influence) the life of our middle class intelligentsia. But he (c) – (be) also the poet of the toiling masses. His pen (d) – (blazon) forth in songs and poems (e) – (depict) the sorrows and woes of our people. The process (f) – (begin) by Nazrul Islam (g) – (be) yet far from complete. It (h) – (be) the responsibility of the literature of Bangladesh to (i) – (complete) his (j) – (unfinished) work.


Answer: (a) was (b) influenced (c) was (d) blazoned (e) depicting (f) begun (g) is (h) is (i) complete (j) unfinished

8.     The world is (a) – (divide) into two main parts. The difference is that one part is rich and the other part is poor. In the poor part a lot of people never (b) – (get) enough to eat, in the rich part a lot of people (c) – (eat) too much. The poor countries are (d) – (call) the developing countries. They (e) – (have) special problems. Sometimes the land is too poor to grow anything on. The land can (f) – (improve) but a lot of things must be done first. New farming methods must (g) – (introduce). The people must (h) – (educate) and water must (i) – (find). But rich countries have problems too. They (j) – (be) not always very pleasant places to live in usually.


Answer: (a) divided (b) get (c) eat (d) called (e) have (f) be improved (g) be introduced (h) be educated (i) be found (j) are


9.     Many in the world (a) – (have) money but not all know how to (b) – (use) it properly. Mr. Mahmood (c) – (make) a good use of his immense earning with his own hand. He (d) – (think) that the people in general (e) – (have)  a share in the money he (f) – (earn) . He loved secret charity. If anybody (g) – (praise) him of this, he rather (h) – (feel) ashamed and sorry too. He (i) – (help) the helpless and considered himself fortunate if he could (j) – (give) anything to anyone.


Answer: (a) have (b) use (c) made (d) thought (e) had (f) earned (g) praised (h) felt (i) helped (j) give


10. One of our problems (a) – (be) illiteracy. Most of us not (b) – (know) how to read and write. Some steps have (c) – (take) in order to (d) – (eradicate) illiteracy. Free education at primary level is (e) – (make) now and also secondary education for girls already (f) – (free). We hope our boys (g) – (study) at secondary level will also (h) – (receive) education without payment in the near future. Then illiteracy will (i) – (remove) and country will (j) – (develop) in all respects.


Answer: (a) is (b) do not know (c) been taken (d) eradicate (e) being made (f) has already been freed (g) studying (h) receive (i) be removed (j) develop


11. Neil Armstrong has (a) – (make) impossible possible by (b) – (conquer) the moon. He was the first man who (c) – (land) on the moon. He (d) – (follow) by Buzz Aldrin. Of course, Mike Collins was in the main spaceship. These three astronauts have (e) – (become) world heroes because of their great achievements. When their mission (f) – (get) successful it proved that nothing is impossible for man to do. Man can do anything if he (g) – (wish) or likes. One day he will (h) – (conquer) the unseen. Then he will (i) – (dominate) the universe. But only God can never be (j) – (dominate. He will ever dominate us.


Answer: (a) made (b) conquering (c) landed (d) was followed (e) become (f) got (g) wishes (h) conquer (i) dominate (j) dominated


12. Science (a) – (achieve) so many wonders that it was confidently (b) – (expect) that it would, in the end, (c) – (solve) all the problems of life. Nobody (d) – (have) the best suspicion that this new force might be (e) – (use) for wicked purposes. (f) – (Refer) to the progress of aviation, an eminent English man had (g) –  (predict) that before long time might (h) – (come) when we would all (i) – (live) and move in the air (j) – (descend) on the earth only on the Sabbath Day at prayer time.


Answer: (a) achieved (b) expected (c) solve (d) had (e) used (f) Referring (g) predicted (h) come (i) live (j) descending


13. Scientists recently (a) – (report) that the polar ice caps are (b) –(melt) . This is due to a rise in atmospheric temperatures (c) – (know) as the “Greenhouse Effect.” According to Melvin Calvin, who (d) – (win) a Nobel Prize for earlier research, the carbon dioxide is primarily responsible for temperature rise in atmosphere. The Carbone dioxide is (e) – (give) off when coal and oil are burnt. This gas is (f) – (accumulate) in the atmosphere and (g) – (cause) temperature to rise. As a result, the ice covering North and South poles (h) – (be) melting and may eventually lead to a rise in a sea levels which could (i) – (flood) in many areas of the world. Even if we (j) – (take) measures to stop the ice-melting, it may take years to control the rise in sea level.


Answer: (a) reported (b) melting (c) known (d) won (e) given (f) accumulating (g) causing (h) is (i) flood (j) take


14. Those who have (a) – (live) in the country, find city life most unpleasant. The noise and the bustle, the smoke and the dust, the air of haste and unrest as though there (b) – (be) no time for anything (c) – (make) the countryman (d) – (bewilder) and (e) – (bemuse). Accustomed to all his days to (f) – (take) life easily, he (g) – (feel) himself an alien, out of his elements. He is (h) – (lose) in the crowd, he (i) – (sweep) hither and thither by eddying streams of incessant movement. He has no time to (j) – (stand) and stare and feel the beauty and blessedness of existence.


Answer: (a) lived (b) is (c) make (d) bewildered (e) bemused (c) take (g) feels (h) lost (i) swept (j) stand

15. Truthfulness is the greatest of all the virtues which (a) – (make) a man really great. If we do not (b) – (cultivate) the habit of (c) – (speaking) truth, we cannot (d) -  (expect) respect from others. It should be (e) – (keep)  in mind that nobody (f) – (trust) a liar. He may (g) – (succeed) once or, twice by telling a lie, but it never (h) – (bring) good result. A lie never (i) – (remain) hidden. Today or tomorrow people (j) – (come) to know about the truth.


Answer: (a) makes (b) cultivate (c) speaking (d) expect (e) kept (f) trusts (g) succeed (h) brings (i) remains (j) come


16. Bangladesh (a) – (be) an agricultural country. Most of the people of this country directly or indirectly (b) – (depend) on agriculture for their livelihood. Many important industries (c) – (depend) on agricultural products. Agriculture (d) – food stuff for human and animal consumption. Any decline in agricultural products (e) _ economic depression in the country. Failure of crops (f) – sufferings to the entire people. Our government is (g) – (try) hard for the improvement of our agriculture. Our farmer already (h) – (begin) using modern methods of cultivation. Line sowing already (i) – (introduced) for the cultivation of rice and jute. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) and Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) are (j) – (do) a lot to improve seeds and methods of cultivation in the country.


Answer: (a) is (b) depend (c) depend (d) supplies (e) brings (f) causes (g) trying (h) has already began (i) has already been introduced (j) doing


17. Allah (a) – (help) those who (b) – (help) themselves. A man who (c) – (depend) on his own ability and (d) – (do) work by himself (e) – by Allah. Such a man is always (f) – (crown) with success. This great virtue (g) – (create) in him the confidence which (h) – (be) essential for success in life. He (i) – (be) a self-confident man who (i) –  (reap) the fruit of his labour in full.


Answer: (a) helps (b) help (c) depends (d) does (e) is helped (f) crowned (g) creates (h) is (i) is (j) reaps


18. Student life is the best time for (a) – (prepare) oneself for future. It is (b) – (called) the seed time of life. So, during this period of life students mustn’t (c) – (waste) time. They should (d) – (bear) in mind that time and tide (e) – (wait) for none. If a student (f) – (waste) his time, he will have to (g) – (repent) in future. A good student must know the value of time. Those who (h) – (give) value of time and do their work timely must succeed in life. The students who are idle and not (i) – (complete) their lesson timely must face the problems when examination (j) – (come).


Answer (a) preparing (b) called (c) waste (d) bear (e) wait (f) wastes (g) repent (h) give (i) do not complete (j) comes


19. The process by which the air surrounding the earth (a) – (become) warmer day by day (b) – (know) as the Greenhouse Effect. It is the ultimate result of different types of environmental pollution. The huge emission of carbon dioxide gas is primarily responsible for this. Again, deforestation around the world (c) – (add) to the problem. Owing to the increased amount of heat around the world, the polar icecaps already (d) – (start) melting which may eventually (e) – (lead) to a rise in sea level (f) – (cause) flood to many areas of the world. Owing to global warming the river water (g) – (become) salty and the farmland around will (h) – (lose) fertility. Many species of animals and plants (i) – (endanger) with the threat of extinction. So it is high time men (j) – (understand)  the threat of the greenhouse effect.


Answer: (a) is becoming (b) is known (c) adds (d) have already started (e) lead (f) causing (g) becomes (h) lose (i) are endangered (j) could understand


20. E-commerce is rapidly being (a) – (spread) in our country. It may be (b) – (define) as a business process through electronic transition. Buyers and sellers are not (c) – (require) to talk face to face. We may get our required product (d) – (stay) at home. One of the best opportunities (e) – (be) that businessmen from home and abroad can (f) – (direct) their business using this system (g) – (remain) in their respective countries. It (h) – (provide) us with global information, resources and services. It is (i) – (anticipate) that it will (j) – (promote) our domestic business very soon.


Answer: (a) spread (b) defined (c) required (d) staying (e) is (f) direct (g) remaining (h) provides (i) anticipated (j) promote

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