Passage Narration Exercise PDF Download for Class Eight

Passage Narration Exercise For JSC Questions


1.     Change the following passage into indirect speech.

        The patient said to the doctor, ‘Last month my blood pressure was too high. Since then I have changed my food habits.’ The doctor asked ‘How?’ ‘I’m taking more fruits and vegetables, and very little fat in my diet. I’m having less sugar and salt now’.


        The patient told the doctor that last month his blood pressure had been too high. Since then he had changed his food habits. The doctor wanted to know how he changed the habit. The patient replied that he was taking more fruits and vegetables and very little fat in his diet. He also added that he was having less sugar and salt then.

2.     Change the following passage into indirect speech :

        “My sons, a great treasure lies hidden in the land there. I am going to leave it as I shall die soon,” said the old father. Being curious, the sons said, “How shall we find it?” “You must dig the land for it.” said the old man.


        Addressing them as his sons the old father said that a great treasure lied hidden in the land there. He also said to his sons that he was going to leave it as he should die soon. Then being carious the sons asked him how they should find that/it. The old man replied that they had to dig the land for it.  

        Note: indirect speech-G must থাকলে direct speech-G had to হয়| must have থাকলে must have had হয়| may থাকলে might, should have থাকলে should have had হয়|

3.     Change the following passage into indirect speech :

        “Why don’t you attend the classes?” the teacher said to the boy. “You cannot expect good results unless you attend classes as I tell you.” “I am sorry sir, I have offended you,” said the boy. “Thank you,” said the teacher.


        The teacher asked the boy why he (boy) didn’t attend the classes. Then the teacher warned him and told him that he could not expect good result unless he attended classes as he (teacher) told him (boy). The boy expressed sorry to his teacher and said that he had offended him. Then the teacher thanked him (the boy). 

4.     Change the following passage into indirect speech :

        The teacher said to the boy, “Do you think that honesty is the best policy?” The boy said, “Yes, sir, I think so.” “Then learn to be honest from your boyhood,” said the teacher. “Thank you, sir,” said the boy.


        The teacher asked the boy if he thought that honesty is the best policy. The boy answered affirmatively and addressing his teacher as sir he said that he thought so. Then the advised him to learn to be honest from his boyhood. The boy thanked his teacher.  

        [Note: চিরন্তন সত্য হওয়াতে ….. honesty is …. হলো| ]

5.     Change the following passage into indirect speech :

 “I came here yesterday from my town,” Fatema said. “Why did you come here?” I asked, “My mother sent me to you with this letter.” “How is your mother?”


        Fatema said that he had come here the previous day from his town. I asked her why he had go there. Fatema replied that his mother had sent her to him (I) with that letter. Then I asked her how her mother was.    

        Note : Direct Narration-G Yesterday থাকলে Indirect- এ the previous day, come থাকলে go, here থাকলে there, this থাকলে that হয়|

6.     Change the following passage into indirect speech :

        “Why were you absent”, said the teacher. “The Head teacher is very angry with you. Go to him at once,” “I was seriously ill,” said Papia.


        The teacher asked Papia why he was absent. The teacher also said that the Head teacher was very angry with her (Papia). Then he ordered him go to the Head teacher at once Papia answered that she was seriously ill.   

7.     Change the following passage into indirect speech :

        The old man said, “Can you give me some food? I have been starving for two days.” The maid said, “Why do you beg? Can’t you work?”


        The old man asked me if I could give him some food. The old man also said that he had been starving for two days. The maid replied / asked him (old man) why he did beg. Then he also asked him if he could work.

8.     Change the following passage into indirect speech :

        The teacher said to Kamal, “Why are you talking in the class? You should behave yourself.” Kamal replied, “Sir, I am sorry. I am asking Jamal to lend me his pen. My pen has run out.” The teacher said, “Be attentive and listen to my lecture.”


        The teacher asked Kamal why he was talking in the class. Then the teacher advised him to behave himself. Kamal expressed his sorry to his teacher and said that he was sorry. Kamal also said then that he was asking Jamal to lend him his (Jamal) pen. He also added that his (Kamal) pen had run out. The teacher advised him to be attentive and listen to his lecture.

9.     Change the following passage into indirect speech :

        My friend said to me, “Why are you reading at this hour? It is time for prayer. Let us go out for a walk after saying prayer.” “Yes, I agree with you,” said I. “I have been suffering from fever for a long time,” said the student.


        My friend asked me why I was reading at that hour. He also said to me that it was time for prayer. Then he proposed him to go out for a walk after saying prayer. I answered in an affirmative way and said that I agreed with him. The student said that he had been suffering from fever for a long time. 

10.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (P. N. Govt. Girls’ High School, Rajshahi)

        The teacher said to the student, “Have you prepared your lesson today?” “No sir,” replied the student. “I was suffering from headache yesterday. I shall do my work tomorrow.”


        The teacher asked the student if he (s) had prepared his lesson that day. The student respectfully replied in the negative and said that he (s) had been suffering from headache the previous day. He added that he (s) would do his work the next day.

11.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Dinajpur Zilla School, Dinajpur)

        Father said to me, “How is your progress for the coming examination?” I said, “Not so bad.” “Maintain regularity to achieve your goal,” said he. “May Allah help you.”


        Father asked me how my progress was for the coming examination. I replied that my progress was not so bad. He advised me to maintain regularity to achieve my goal and prayed that Allah might help me.

12.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Jessore Zilla School, Jessore)

        The traveler said to the peasant, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” The peasant said, “Yes, I can. Do you want one in which you can spend the night?” The traveler said, “I don’t wish to stay there, but I only want a meal.”


        The traveler asked the peasant if he (p) could tell him (t) the way to the nearest inn. The peasant replied in the affirmative and said that he (p) could tell him (t) the way. The peasant asked him if he (t) wanted one in which he (t) could spend the night. The traveler replied that he did not wish to stay there but he (t) only wanted a meal.

13.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Comilla Zilla School, Comilla)

        “Good morning,” said the tourist. “Do you have any room vacant?” “Yes sir.” “Double or single?” “I want one single,” said the tourist. The receptionist said, “We have a single room on the second floor.”


        The tourist wished the receptionist good morning and asked him if they had any vacant room. He respectfully replied in the affirmative and asked him if he wanted a double or a single room. The tourist replied that he wanted a single room. Then the receptionist said that they had a single room on the second floor.

14.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Chittagong Collegiate School, Chittagong)

        “My sons, listen to me, A great treasure lies hidden in the land there. I am going to leave it as I shall die soon.” “How shall we find it?” said the sons. “You must dig the land for it,” said the old man.


        The old man told his sons affectionately to listen to him and said that a great treasure lay hidden in the land there. He further said that he was going to leave it as he would die soon. The sons asked him how they would find it. The old man replied them that they had to dig the land for it.

15.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Jalalabad Cantt. Public School & College, Sylhet)

        “Have you heard the name of Aesop?” asked the teacher. “No sir, who was he?” “Read the book attentively and you’ll be able to know about him. How interesting and instructive his fables are!” said the teacher.


        The teacher asked the students if they had heard the name of Aesop. The students replied in the negative and asked him who he had been. The teacher advised them to read the book attentively and said that they would be able to know about him. The teacher exclaimed with wonder that his fables were very interesting and instructive.

16.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Barisal Govt. Girls’ High School, Barisal)

        The teacher said, “Nilima, your JSC Exam is knocking at the door. How is your preparation?” “Well, sir. I am confident about my performance in the exam.” “Very good. May Allah help you to do well in the exam.” “Thank you, sir,” said Nilima.


        The teacher reminded Nilima that her JSC Exam was knocking at the door. Then he asked her how her preparation was. Nilima replied respectfully that her preparation was well. She added that she was confident about her performance in the exam. The teacher told her that it was very good. He prayed that Allah might help her to do well in the exam. Nilima thanked him respectfully.

17.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Viqarunnisa Noon School & College, Dhaka)

        The teacher said to the boy, “Do you know that honesty is the best policy?” The boy said, “Yes sir, I think so.” “Learn to be honest from your boyhood,” said the teacher. “Thank you sir,” said the boy


        The teacher asked the boy if he (b) thought that honesty is the best policy. The boy respectfully replied in the affirmative that he (b) thought so. The teacher advised him (b) to learn to be honest from his (b) boyhood. The boy respectfully thanked him (t).

18.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Ideal School & College, Motijheel, Dhaka)

        Nabila said to the English teacher, “Sir, I want to improve my English. How can I do that?” “Don’t worry. I shall help you,” said the teacher. “Thank you, sir,” said Nabila. “Give emphasis on all the four skills of language namely listening, speaking, reading and writing,” said the teacher.


        Nabila told the English teacher politely that she wanted to improve her English. She asked how she could do that. The teacher told her not to worry. He also said that he would help her. Nabila politely thanked him. The teacher advised her to give emphasis on all the four skills of language namely listening, speaking, reading and writing.

19.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Dhaka Residential Model College, Dhaka)

        Once I asked a sweet little girl, “What is your mother’s name?” She replied cleverly, “I know my mother’s name but I won’t tell you that.” I said, “What a clever girl you are!” “I don’t tell my mother’s name to anybody whom I don’t know,” she spoke with an air of confidence.


        Once I asked a sweet little girl what her mother’s name was. She replied cleverly that she knew her mother’s name but she would not tell me that. I exclaimed with wonder that she was a very clever girl. She spoke with an air of confidence that she did not tell her mother’s name to anybody whom she did not know.

20.  Rewrite the following passage changing the form of speech. (Bogra Zilla School, Bogra)

        “Will you buy my hair? asked Della. “I buy hair,” said Madam. “Take your hat off and let’s have a sight at the looks of it.” “Twenty dollars,” said Madam. “Give it to me quickly,” said Della.


        Della asked Madam if she (M) would buy her (D) hair. In reply Madam said that she (M) bought hair. Then she (M) told her (D) to take her (D) hat off and suggested that they should have a sight at the looks of it. After that Madam said that she (M) would give her (D) twenty dollars for her (D) hair. Della agreed and requested her (M) to give the money to her quickly.

21.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Rangpur Zilla School, Rangpur)

        “My dear son, give me a glass of water. I am very thirsty. Perhaps the temperature has gone very high.” “Well, let me fetch it for you. Please wait a bit.” “May Allah bless you.”


        The speaker endearingly told his son to give him a glass of water. Then he said that he was very thirsty and that perhaps the temperature had gone very high. Being compliant the son then told him that he might be allowed to fetch it for him. He requested him to wait a bit. The speaker then prayed that Allah might bless him.

22.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Udayan Higher Secondary School, Dhaka; Barisal Cadet College, Barisal; Bir Shreshtha Noor Mohammad Public College)

        The teacher said to the girl, “Do you think that honesty is the best policy?” The girl said, “Yes, sir, I think so.” “Then learn to be honest from your childhood,” said the teacher. “Thank you, sir,” “May Allah grant you a long life,” said the teacher.


        The teacher asked the girl if she (g) thought that honesty is the best policy. The girl respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that she thought so. Then the teacher advised her (the girl) then to learn to be honest from her childhood. The girl respectfully thanked him (the teacher). The teacher prayed that Allah might grant her (the girl) a long life.

23.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Monipur High School & College, Mirpur, Dhaka)

        “Have you taken your meal, Tahmid?” said the mother. “Yes, I have taken my meal,” replied Tahmid. “Will you eat any fruit? Eat some mangoes,” the mother said.


        The mother asked Tahmid if he had taken his meal. Tahmid replied in the affirmative and said that he had taken his meal. The mother again asked him if he would eat any fruits and told him to eat some mangoes.

24.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Adamjee Cantonment Public School, Dhaka)

        “Have you killed the rats?” said the Mayor. “Yes, I have,” said the Piper. “Give me the promised money.” “How funny!” said the Mayor. “We cannot give you so much money. Take only fifty.”


        The Mayor asked the Piper if he (P) had killed the rates. The Piper replied in the affirmative and said that he had killed them. The Piper told him (M) to give him (P) the promised money. The Mayor exclaimed with wonder that he (P) was very funny. He (M) said that they could not give him (P) so much money. He (M) told him (P) to take only fifty.

25.  Rewrite the following passage in the reported speech. (Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail)

        “I have got GPA-5 in the JSC examination,” said Tanvir. “Congratulation”. “What do you intend to do now?” asked Mamun. “I want to study in a reputed school. I try to get admission in Mirzapur Cadet College”, said Tanvir. “Well, you will do better in the long run but it’s difficult to do,” said Mamun.


        Tanvir told Mamun that he had got GPA-5 in the JSC examination. Mamun congratulated him (T) and asked what he (T) intended to do then. Tanvir replied that he (T) wanted to study in a reputed school. He (T) added that he tried to get admission in Mirzapur Cadet College. Mamun appreciated him (T) and told him that he (T) would do better in the long run but it was difficult to do.

26.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Mymensingh Girls’ Cadet College, Mymensingh)

        “Have you finished the book that I gave you last night?” Kamal said to me. “Yes, I have,” I replied. “What an interesting book it is! I wish I would borrow the book earlier,” I said.


        Karmal asked me if I had finished the book that he had given me the previous night. I replied in the affirmative and said that I had finished it. I exclaimed with joy that it was a very interesting book. I also said that I wished I would borrow the book earlier.

27.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Rajshahi Cadet College, Rajshahi)

        Safwat asked his mother, “Are you going to New Market?” “No, but I shall go shopping there after visiting your aunt,” answered Mrs Khairul Haq. “Please buy me a new shirt,” he pleaded.


        Safwat asked his mother if she was going to New Market. Mrs Khairul Haq replied in the negative and said that she would however go shopping there after visiting his (S) aunt. He then pleaded her to buy him a new shirt.

28.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Pabna Cadet College, Pabna)

        “Will you come to my house tomorrow?” I asked the boy. “We can discuss terms and conditions then,” I said. “I shall be very happy to meet you at your house. Thank you so much,” he replied.


        I asked the boy if he would go to my house the next day and told him that we could discuss terms and conditions then. He replied that he would be very happy to meet me at my house and thanked me very much.

29.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Joypurhat Girls’ Cadet College, Joypurhat)

        Kaniz said to her English teacher, “Sir, I want to improve my English. How can I do that?” “Don’t worry. I will help you,” said the teacher.


        Kaniz told her English teacher respectfully that she wanted to improve her English. She also asked him how she could do that. The teacher advised her not to worry. He also assured her that he would help her.

30.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Jhenidah Cadet College, Jhenidah)

        “Niloy, can you tell me what I am teaching?” the teacher asked. “I am sorry, I can not follow,” replied Niloy, “You cannot, because you are not attentive,” the teacher


        The teacher asked Niloy if he(N) could tell him(t) what he(t) was teaching. Niloy apologized and replied that he (N) could not follow. The teacher told him (N) that he (N) could not because he (N) was not attentive.

31.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Comilla Cadet College, Comilla)

        Rahim said to Hamid, “How are you? I went to your hostel yesterday, but did not find you. Where did you go?” “I went to the station,” said Hamid, “I had to receive my maternal uncle there.”


        Rahim asked Hamid how he (H) was and said that he had gone to his (H) hostel the previous day but hadn’t found him (H). He also asked Hamid where he (H) had gone. Hamid replied that he (H) had gone to the station and added that he (H) had to receive his maternal uncle there.

32.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Faujdarhat Cadet College, Chittagong)

        “Did people use stamps those days?” asked Rafiq. ‘Yes!” answered Mr. Jamil. “The first stamps were used in 1840.” “Are they easy to get now?” asked Shafiq. “They are very difficult to get.” replied his uncle.


        Rafiq asked Mr. Jamil whether people had used stamps in those days. Mr. Jamil replied in the affirmative and said that the first stamps had been used in, 1840. Shafiq asked Mr. Jamil if they were easy to get then. His uncle replied that they were very difficult to get.

33.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Sylhet Cadet College, Sylhet)

        “Have you offered your prayer today?” I said to my cousin. “No, I have forgotten,” he said. “That’s bad,” I said, “We must pray to the Almighty every day.”


        I asked my cousin if he had offered his prayer that day. He replied in the negative and said that he had forgotten. I told him that it was bad. I also said that we must pray to the Almighty every day.

34.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Milestone College, Dhaka)

        “Have you killed the rats?” said the Mayor.

        “Yes, I have,” said the piper. “Give me the promised money.” “How funny you are!” said the Mayor. “We cannot give you so much money. Take only fifty.”


        The Mayor asked the piper whether he (p) had killed the rats. The piper replied in the affirmative and said that he (p) had killed and also requested him (M) to give him (p) the promised money. The Mayor exclaimed with wonder that he was very funny and also said that they could not give him (p) so much money. He (M) told him to take only fifty.

35.  Change the form of speech. (Shamsul Haque Khan School & College, Dhaka)

        (a)   He said to me, “I have already finished my work.”

        (b)   The teacher said to me, “What do you want?”

        (c)   They said to us, “Let us go out for a walk.”

        (d)   He said to me, “May you have a pleasant journey.”

        (e)   The man said, “What a cheering report it is!”


        (a)   He told me that he had already finished his work.

        (b)   The teacher asked me what I wanted.

        (c)   They proposed to us that we should go out for a walk.

        (d)   He wished that I might have a pleasant journey.

        (e)   The man exclaimed with joy that it was a very cheering report.

36.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Motijheel Govt. Boys’ High School, Dhaka)

        “Follow my example,” she said as we shook hands, “and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.” “I’ll do better than that,” I retorted, “I’ll eat nothing at dinner tonight.” “Humorist,” she cried gaily, jumping into a cab.


        As we shook hands, she advised me to follow her example and never to eat more than one thing for luncheon. I retorted that I would do better than that. I added that I would eat nothing at dinner that night. Jumping into a cab, she cried gaily and called me a humorist.

37.  Change the following sentences into indirect speech. (Motijheel Govt. Girls’ High School, Dhaka)

        (a)   He said, “I went to my friend’s house to borrow an essential book but he was not at home.”

        (b)   Ruby said to her mother, “What did you seen when you were in the States?”

        (c)   The man said, “Friends, please help me.”

        (d)   Nasima said to Sima, “What a nice gift I have got for you!”


        (a)   He said that he had gone to his friend’s house to borrow an essential book but he had not been at home.

        (b)   Ruby asked her mother what she had seen when she had been in the States.

        (c)   Addressing them as friends, the man requested them to help him.

        (d)   Nasima exclaimed to Sima with joy that she (N) had got a very nice gift for her (S).

38.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Motijheel Model High School & College, Dhaka)

        Zaman said to me, “Have you finished reading the book I gave you yesterday?” “Yes I have finished reading the book,” I replied. “What an interesting book it is! I wish I would borrow the book earlier!” I said, “Will you return the book to me today?” he asked.


        Zaman asked me if I had finished reading the book he (Z) had given me the previous day. I replied in the affirmative and said that I had finished reading the book. I exclaimed with joy that it was a very interesting book and also wished that I would borrow the book earlier. Zaman asked me if I would return the book to him that day.

39.  Change the form of speech. (Govt. Laboratory High School, Dhaka)

        “Good morning,” said the tourist. “Have you any room vacant?” “Yes, sir, Double or single?” said the receptionist. “I want one double,” said the tourist.


        The tourist wished the receptionist good morning and asked him if they had any room vacant. He respectfully replied in the affirmative and asked him if he wanted a double or a single room. The tourist replied that he wanted one double room.

40.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Mirpur Bangla School & College, Dhaka; Cantonment Public School & College, Rangpur)

        “What’s a puppet show?” Sabu said to his father. Father said, ‘Let’s go inside and you can see for yourself.” Inside the tent Sabu said, ‘How strange! A doll is dancing and talking!” Father said, “A man behind the screen is moving the doll.”


        Sabu asked his father what a puppet show was. Father proposed to Sabu that they should go inside and he (S) could see for himself. Inside the tent Sabu exclaimed with wonder that it was very strange that a doll was dancing and talking. His father told him that a man behind the screen was moving the doll.

41.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Shaheed Police Smrity College, Mirpur, Dhaka; Cantonment Public School & College, Saidpur, Nilphamari)

        The passer-by stopped me and said, “Sir, can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” “Yes, I can,” I said. “Go straight about 100 yards and turn left. You will find it.” “Thank you sir,” he said.


        Addressing me as sir the passer-by stopped me and asked me if I could tell him the way to the nearest inn. I replied in the affirmative and said that I could and told him to go straight about 100 yards and turn left and said that he would find it. Then he thanked me respectfully.

42.  Change the following sentences into indirect speech. (Uttara High School & College, Dhaka)

        “Do you know why you are sent to school?” “For playing with friends, father.” “No, you are sent to learn, to read and write.” “But I won’t read and write.” replied Jack sulkily


        Father asked Jack if he (J) knew why he (J) was sent to school. Jack replied that he was sent to school for playing with friends. Father disagreed with him (J) and told him that he (J) was sent to learn, to read and write. Disagreeing Jack replied sulkily that he would not read and write.

43.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Safiuddin Sarker Academy & College, Gazipur)

        “Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazar?” asked Hasan. “No, I have never gone there,” replied Shahadat. “But I have an inclination for visiting the place.” “I have an opportunity to visit the sea-beach last year,” said Hasan. “How charming the scenery is!”


        Hasan asked Shahadat whether he (S) had ever been to Cox’s Bazar. Shahadat replied in the negative and said that he (S) had never gone there. He (S) added that he (S) had an inclination for visiting the place. Hasan said that he (H) had an opportunity to visit the sea-beach the previous year. He (H) exclaimed with joy that the scenery was very charming.

44.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Gazipur Cantonment Board Inter High School, Gazipur)

        “I came to Dhaka this morning. I sent you a telegram before starting from home,” he said. “Did you receive it in time?” he asked. “No,” I replied.


        He told me that he had gone to Dhaka that morning and added that he had sent me a message before starting from home. Then he asked me if I had received that in time. I replied in the negative that I had not received it.

45.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Rani Bilashmoni Govt. Boys’ High School, Gazipur)

        Nadeef said to Rajib, “Can you play chess?” “Yes, I can,” said Rajib. “Let’s play chess,” said Nadeef.


        Nadeef asked Rajib if the (R) could play chess. Rajib replied in the affirmative and said that he (R) could. Then Nadeef proposed to Rajib that they should play chess.

46.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Faridpur Zilla School, Faridpur)

        “I never drink anything for luncheon,” she said. “Neither do I,” I answered promptly. “Except white wine,” she proceeded as though I had not spoken. “These French white wines are so light. They are wonderful for the digestion.”


        She said that she never drank anything for luncheon. I answered promptly that I did neither. She proceeded as though I had not spoken and told me that she drank nothing except white wine. She added that those French white wines were so light and they were wonderful for the digestion.

47.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Rajbari Govt. High School, Rajbari)

        “What is the problem with you?” said the doctor. “What a severe pain in my abdomen!” Let me examine you.” After examining the patient he said, “You have been suffering from constipation. Take the prescribed medicine for a few days.”


        The doctor asked the patient what the problem with him was. The patient exclaimed with pain that he had a very severe pain in his abdomen. The doctor told him that he (d) might examine him (p). After examining the patient he (d) said that he (p) had been suffering from constipation and advised him (p) to take the prescribed medicine for a few days.

48.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Bindubasini Govt. Boys’ High School, Tangail)

        “Ranju, have you done your English lesson today?” asked the teacher. “Yes, sir. I have done it. But I haven’t understood some grammatical points,” replied Ranju. “Where is the problem?” said the teacher, “let us try again.”


        The teacher asked Ranju if he had done his English lesson that day. Ranju respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that he had done it and added that but he hadn’t understood some grammatical points. The teacher asked him where the problem was. He (t) proposed that they should try again.

49.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Bindubasini Govt. Girls’ High School, Tangail)

        The teacher said to the boy, “Do you think that honesty is the best policy?” The boy said, “Yes, sir, I think so,” “Then learn to be honest from your boyhood,” said the teacher. “Thank you sir,” said the boy. “May God grant you a long life,” said the teacher to the boy.


        The teacher asked the boy if he (b) thought that honesty is the best policy. The boy respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that he thought so. The teacher advised him (b) then to learn to be honest from his boyhood. The boy respectfully thanked him (t). The teacher prayed that God might grant him (b) a long life.

50.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Jamalpur Zilla School, Jamalpur)

        “My dear son, give me a glass of water. I am very thirsty. Perhaps the temperature has gone very high,” said the mother. “Well, let me fetch it for you. Please wait a bit,” said the son. “May Allah bless you.”


        Addressing her son affectionately, mother told him to give her a glass of water. Then she said that she was very thirsty and she added that perhaps the temperature had gone very high. Giving his consent the son then told her that he might be allowed to fetch it for her. He requested her to wait a bit. Mother then prayed that Allah might bless him.

51.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Khulna Govt. Girls’ High School, Khulna)

        “What is the time by your watch?” he said. “It is half past nine,” I said. He said, “I want to go to the college. Would you accompany me, please?” “No, I am sorry,” replied I.


        He asked me what the time was by my watch. I replied that it was half past nine. He again said that he wanted to go to the college and asked me politely if I would accompany him. I replied in the negative and said I was sorry.

52.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Khulna Collegiate Girls’ School, Khulna)

        Rina said to me, “Have you finished the book I gave you yesterday?” “Yes, I have finished reading the book,” I replied, “What an interesting book it is! I wish I would borrow the book earlier,” I said. “Will you return me the book today?” she said.


        Rina asked me if I had finished the book she (R) had given me the previous day. I replied in the affirmative and said that I had finished reading the book. I also exclaimed with joy that it was a very interesting book and I wished I would borrow the book earlier. Then she asked me if I would return her (R) the book that day.

53.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Govt. Laboratory High School, Khulna)

        The poor man said to the woman, “Let me have some food.” The woman said, “Why do you beg alms? You look strong. Can’t you work?”


        The poor man told the woman that he might have some food. The woman asked him why he begged alms and said that he looked strong. She again asked him if they could not work.

54.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Kushtia Zilla School, Khshtia)

        “I never drink anything for luncheon,” she said. “Neither do I,” I answered promptly. “Except white wine,” she proceeded as though I had not spoken. “These French white wines are so light. They are wonderful for the digestion.”


        She told me that she never drank anything for luncheon. I answered promptly that neither did I. She proceeded as though I had not spoken. She added that those French white wines were so light. She also added that they were wonderful for the digestion.

55.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Kushtia Govt. Girls’ High School, Kushtia)

        “I came here yesterday from my village,” he said. “Why did you come?” I asked. “My mother sent me to you with this letter.” “How is your mother? I have not seen her for a long time. I hope she is quite well.”


        He told me that he had gone there the previous day from his village. I asked him why he has gone. He replied that his mother had sent him to me with that letter. I also asked him how his mother was and said that I had not seen her for a long time. I also added that I hoped she was quite well.

56.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Shandhani School & College, Gangni, Meherpur)

        “My sons,” said he, “a great treasure is hidden in the estate. I am about to leave you.” “Where is it hidden?” said the sons. “I am about to tell you,” said the old man, “but you must dig for it.”


        The old man told his sons that a great treasure was hidden in the estate. He further said that he (o) was about to leave it to them (s). The sons asked the old man where it was hidden. The old man replied that he was about to tell them but they to dig for it.

57.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Sathkira Govt. High School, Satkhira)

        “Why did you no go to school yesterday?” said the mother to the girl. “I was ill, mum,” the girl replied. ‘How are you today?” the mother asked again. “Well,” said the girl, “Don’t worry for me.”


        The mother asked the girl why she (d) had no gone to school the previous day. Addressing her mother as mum, the daughter replied that she (d) had been ill. The mother again asked her how she was that day, The daughter replied that she was well and requested her not to worry for her.

58.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Satkhira Govt. Girls’ High School, Satkhira)

        The traveler said to the peasant, “Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” The peasant said, “Yes, I can, Do you want one in which you can spend the night?” The traveler said, “I do not wish to stay there, but I only want a meal.”


        The traveler asked the peasant if he (p) could tell him (t) the way to the nearest inn. The peasant replied in the affirmative that he could. He (p) asked if he (t) wanted one in which he (t) could spend the night. The traveler replied that he (t) did not wish to stay there, but he (t) only wanted a meal.

59.  Change the narrative style of the following  text. (The Millennium Stars School & College, Rangpur Cantonment, Rangpur; Rangpur Govt. Girls’ High School, Rangpur)

        “Ratan, have you done your English lesson today?” asked the teacher. “Yes, sir, I have done it. But I haven’t understood some grammatical points,” replied Ratan. “Where is the problem?” said the teacher. “Let us try again.”


        The teacher asked Ratan if he had done his English that day. Ratan respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that he had done it but added that he hadn’t understood some grammatical points. The teacher asked him where the problem was and proposed that they should try again.

60.  Change the narrative style of the following  text. (Lions School & College, Saidpur, Nilphamari)    

        The old man said, “Can you give me some food? I’ve been starving for three days.” The maid said, “why do you beg? Can’t you work?”


        The old man asked the maid if she could give him some food and said that he had been starving for three days. The maid asked the old man why he begged. She again asked him if he (man) could not work.

61.  Change the narrative style of the following  text. (Thakurgaon Govt. Girls’ High School, Thakurgoan)        

        “Have you ever been to Cox’s Bazar?” asked Kamal. “No, I have never been there,” replied Hasan. “But I long for visiting the place.” “I had an opportunity to visit the sea beach last year,” said Kamal.


        Kamal asked Hasan whether/if he had ever been to Cox’s Bazar. Hasan replied in the negative that he had never been there. But he added that he longed for visiting the place. Kamal said that he had had an opportunity to visit the sea beach the previous year.

62.  Change the narrative style of the following  text. (Gaibandha Govt. Girls’ High School, Gaibandha)              

        “The student said to the teacher, “Sir, may I ask you a question?” “Yes, you may, said the teacher, The student said, “How can I be fluent in English?” Be active,” said the teacher.


        The student asked the teacher respectfully if he (s) might ask him (t) a question. The teacher replied in the affirmative that he (s) might ask. The student then asked him how he (s) could be fluent in English. The teacher advised him (s) be active.

63.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Govt. Girls’ High School, Jessore)       

        I said to the passer-by, “What are you seeing now?” “I’m seeing the people running here and there.” he said. “How happy they are! May God help them. Let me enjoy this.” I said.


        I asked the passer-by what he was seeing then. He replied that he was seeing the people running here and there. I exclaimed with wonder that they were very happy. I prayed that God might help them. Then I told him that I might enjoy that.

64.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Dawood Public School, Jessore Cantonment, Jessore)   

        “Why are you putting up the food in your pocket, sir? Why don’t you eat?” asked the nobleman. “I am doing the right thing. My dress deserves these rich dishes,” replied Sheikh Saadi. “What do you mean to say?” said the nobleman.


        The nobleman asked Sheikh Saadi respectfully why he (S) was putting up the food in his pocket and he again asked why he (s) did not eat. Sheikh Saadi replied that he was doing the right thing and added that his dress deserved those rich dishes. The man asked him what he (s) meant to say.

65.  Change the following into indirect speech. (Vidyamoyee Govt. Girls; High School, Mymensingh)

        Mithun said to me, “Have you finished reading the book I gave you yesterday? “Yes, I have finished reading the book.” I replied. “What an interesting book it is! I wish I would borrow the book earlier!” I said.


        Mithun asked me if I had finished reading the book he (M) had given me the previous day. I replied in the affirmative and said that I had finished reading the book. I exclaimed with joy that it was a very interesting book and also wished that I would borrow the book earlier.

66.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Mymensingh Zilla School, Mymensingh)

        The class teacher of VIII said to the students, “Do you like to go for study tour?” “Yes,” said all the students. Then he said, “Take permission of your parents.” One of the students said, “Where will we go, sir?” ” It will be decided after a discussion.” said the teacher.


        The class teacher of VIII asked the students if they liked to go on a study tour. All the students replied in the affirmative to their class teacher. Then the teacher told the students to take permission of their parents. One of the students respectfully wanted to know where they would go. The teacher replied that it would be decided after a discussion.

67.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Rajshahi Govt. Girls’ High School, Rajshahi; Bogra Govt. Girls’ High School)

        “I came here yesterday from my village”, he said. “Why did you come?” I asked. “My mother sent me to you with this letter.” “How is your mother? I have not seen her for a long time.”


        He told me that he had gone there the previous day from his village. I asked him why he had gone. He replied that his mother had sent him to me with that letter. I then asked him how his mother was and said that I had not seen her for a long time.

68.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Rajshahi Collegiate School, Rajshahi)

        “Don’t you understand what I discuss in the class?” said the teacher. “Yes, sir but we are afraid of reading English. So we are weak in English,” replied the students “Read attentively and you will overcome your fear,” said the teacher.


        The teacher asked the students if they understood what he discussed in the class. The students respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that but they were afraid of reading English. They added that for that reason they were weak in English. The teacher advised them to read attentively and they would overcome their fear.

69.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Govt. Laboratory High School, Rajshahi)

        “My sons, listen to me. A great treasure lies hidden in the land. I am going to leave it to you.” “How’ll we find it?” said the sons. “You must dig the land for it,” said the old man.


        The old man told his sons affectionately to listen to him and said that a great treasure lay hidden in the land. He further said he (o) was going to leave it to them (s). The sons asked the old man how they would find it. The old man told his sons that they had to dig the land for it.

70.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Bogra Cantonment Public School & College, Bogra)

        The boy said to the teacher, “Sir, I shall be much obliged if you kindly lend me the book you praised highly in the classroom yesterday.” The teacher said, “I am very glad to know that you are eager to read this book. You are welcome to any of my books that you like.”


        The boy told the teacher respectfully that he (b) would be much obliged if he (t) kindly lent him (b) the book he (t) had praised highly in the classroom the previous day. Then the teacher said that he  (t) was very glad to know that he (b) was eager to read that book. He (t) added that he (b) was welcome to any of his (t) books that he (b) liked.

71.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (BIAM Model School & College, Bogra)

        “Why did you not go to school yesterday?” said the mother to the girl. “I was ill, mum,” the girl replied. “How are you today?” the mother asked again. “Well,” said the girl, “Don’t worry for me.”


        The mother asked the girl why she (g) had not gone to school the previous day. Addressing her mother as mum, the girl replied that she (g) had been ill. The mother again asked her how she (g) was that day. The girl replied that she was well and requested her mother not to worry for her.

72.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Govt. K. D. High School, Naogaon)

        “I came to Dhaka this afternoon. I sent you a message before starting from home.” Rakib said, “Did you receive it in time?” “No, I did not receive it,” I replied.


        Rakib told me that he had gone to Dhaka that afternoon and added that he had sent me a message before starting from home. Then he asked me if I had received that in time., I replied in the negative and said that I had not received it.

73.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Pabna Govt. Girls’ High School, Pabna)

        My father looked at me in anger and said to me, “Where have you been so long and why are you wasting your time?” After a moment, he said, “Will you not appear in the final examination?


        My father looked at me in anger and asked me where I had been so long and why I was wasting my time. After a moment. he asked me if I would not appear at the final examination.

74.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Pabna Zilla School, Pabna)

        “I came to Dhaka this morning. I sent you a message before starting from home”, he said. “Did you see it?” he asked. “No”, I replied.


        He told me that he had gone to Dhaka that morning and added that he had sent me a message before starting from home. He then asked me if I had seen it. I replied in the negative.

75.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Momena Ali Biggan School, Sirajganj)

        The Headmaster said to the boy, “Why are you late today? You should attend school in time. Remember, punctually is essential in every walk of life, I think you will not be late on any other day. Go to your class. I wish your success. May Allah bless you.”


        The Headmaster asked the boy why he was late that day. He (H) told the boy that he (b) Should attend school in time. He (H) also advised him to remember that punctuality is essential in every walk of life. He (H) also said that he (H) thought he (b) would not be late on any other day. He (H) then told/ordered him (b) to go to his (b) class and wished him (b) his (b) success. Finally, he (H) prayed that Allah might bless him (b).

76.  Change the following narration from direct into indirect. (Amena-Baki Residential Model School & College, Dinajpur)

        (a)   They said to us “Let us go out for a walk.”

        (b)   He said to me “Where do you live”?

        (c)   He said “Long live our president”.

        (d)   He said to me “Alas! I am undone?”

        (e)   Teacher said to students “Honesty is the best policy”.


        (a)   They proposed to us that we should go out for a walk.

        (b)   He asked me where I lived.

        (c)   He wished that their President might live long.

        (d)   He exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone.

        (e)   Teacher told students that honesty is the best policy.

77.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Dinajpur Govt. Girls’ High School, Dinajpur)

        “Have you done your homework?” mother said to the daughter. “No, I’ve forgotten.” “By doing so, you can’t expect to do well in your studies,” said the mother.


        Mother asked the daughter if she (d) had done her (d) homework. The daughter replied in the negative and said that she (d) had forgotten. Then the mother told her (d) that by doing so, she (d) could not expect to do well in her (d) studies.

78.  Change the following passage into indirect speech. (Cantonment Board High School, Dinajpur)

        “Where are you going.” said the merchant. “I was coming to see you. What do you want?” “To earn my bread by the labour of my hands.”        “Do you really want work?” said the merchant. “Yes, if you any.” “Then follow me and carry a box from a shop to my house.”


        The merchant asked the youth where he (y) was going. The youth replied that he had been going to see him (m). The merchant again asked the youth what he (y) wanted. The youth replied that he (m) wanted to earn his bread by the labour of his hands. The merchant further asked him if he (y) really wanted work. The youth replied in the affirmative and said that he wanted if he (m) had any. Then the merchant ordered him to follow him (m) and carry a box from a shop to his house.


পিডিএফ ফাইল ডাউনলোড করতে নিচের ডাউনলোড বাটনে ক্লিক করুনঃ